We Lose my Idiot Brother

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Spent two days on the train heading west. There were posters with Percy's picture so he had to keep a low profile. Annabeth tried to make him think otherwise but it didn't work. I usually just stare out the window. Sometimes I spot some kind of monster or nymph. Since we couldn't get a spot in the sleeping car we just slept in our seats. There was room on the floor so I took that. The others chose to sleep in their seats. One time Grover shuffled around in the train car and one of his fake feet fell off. We had to put it back on.

     "So. Who needs your help?" Annabeth asked Percy.

     "What do you mean?" he asked.

     "Just now you were saying 'No I won't help you' in your sleep," I said. "Who were you dreaming about?" I asked. He told us about a voice in a pit asking for Percy to help him get the master bolt. He said that the voice sounded cruel and it laughed a lot considering the fact that Percy is saying no. And he added that the voice would help him as well as me with our mothers. Annabeth thought about this. She said it doesn't sound like Hades.

     "Just don't be tempted to trade with your mother," she fingered her bead necklace.

     "What would you do if it was your dad?" Percy asked.

     "That's easy. Leave him to rot," she said bitterly.

     "You're not serious?" Percy seemed surprised.

     "My father resented me Percy," Annabeth faced him. She began to start to tell him her childhood story. The more she told the more I thought about her childhood. Then I seemed to leave the train car and go to a different place. The world swirled until it all came into focus. I was at a house. A woman was walking to the door with a golden cradle. When she looked up to the door she had the same grey eyes as any of the Athena kids. 'Athena,' I thought. She knocked on the door. A man with sandy hair answered. He looked at Athena then the cradle. I couldn't hear words but it looked like he was shocked. He pointed from the baby and goddess to the sky. A voice from somewhere said, 'Annabeth's father told Athena to raise her on Olympus. You can't do that with a demigod. Of course Athena said no. Her father was very surprised because he never wanted a child. Annabeth, like all Athena kids, was born from Athena's head like Athena herself was born from Zeus' head,' it said. Then I realized it's the same voice that I had when I spewed Percy's prophecy and said something to Luke. Then the world swirled again. This time I saw a woman not Athena yelling at a small Annabeth and pointing toward stairs. Annabeth yelled something back then stomped her way up. 'When her father married that woman she was treated like a freak. She has two step brothers of which her step mother protects from her. When she was seven she ran away taking in the fact she was not wanted,' the voice said. Then the world swirled and I was back in the train car. I gasped. Annabeth was right at the beginning of her story when Athena had her. Percy looked at me.

     "I just..." I muttered.

     "What?" Annabeth asked. I swallowed

     "I just saw your childhood story. With audio too," I breathed. Annabeth looked to me.

     "Forgot to tell you guys. Millionths are able to see the past, present and parts of the future because the Oracle is part of 'all godly powers'," Grover said. "So Claira if you think too hard about someone's past, present or future well you get sent to the scene and can only watch until you stop thinking or are interrupted or the scene is over," he explained.

     "How do you know so much about millionths?" I asked. He hesitated.

     "Chiron suspected you were so ah... he taught me all about them... uh so I could find out if you were a millionth or not," he said shyly. "And well... you are," he finished. I didn't know how to react so I just sat there dumbly, blinking a couple times.

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