I have a surprise for you! Boo!

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A/N okay, so I was alittle late uploading but i've got it.... I think :D you see this is really important to me !!! this is my 24th upload on this story this was a goal I set myself LETS HAVE A PARTY!!!! HIGH FIVES FOR SKYRED!!!! yeah! heeheehee hahahaha haahaaahaaa HAHAHAHA HAAHAAAHAAA Mwahahahaha MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D enjoy :D SkyRed :D

Jamie POV

The rumble started low in my chest, slowly rising through my throat and spilled out my mouth, slowly releasing itself into the quiet field. The sound drowned out the packs deep breaths and the growls and hisses of the creatures, drowning out the sound of Liz's sobbing.

I could feel my back begin to twist, my bones growing and shortening, snapping and re-growing. My eyes sharpened, I could see every little speck of dirt, every speck of dust caught in the air. My sense of smell became clearer, I could smell the dirt and the animals living in the dirt and the old dry bones of animals long ago burried in the dirt. My hearing increased, every sound, every breath, every heartbeat rang loud through my eardrums.

Hair, fur on my arms and legs grew courser, furrier and darker. My nails already sharpened and covered with blood became claws, talons, sharper than knives. My teeth grew and canals opened, becomming fangs, sharpened and ready to tear through flesh, through bone and veins and arteries.

My shoes already lost in battle left me barefoot, I could feel my feet become acostomed to the earth, ready to grip and ready to run. My bones strengthened I could feel the power radiating from under my skin. I had transformed and morphed into my true being, into the beast, the monster that I trully was. I had let my mask drop.

What seemed to be the leader of the creatures flexed its right hand, and they came forward, five creatures moving towards me, setting forth to attack me and bring me down. But I had other plans.

They moved forward and without any hesitation, I grabbed it's hair, jerking my arm, then watched as the body flopped to the ground, dead and headless. The creature to my left lurched forward suddenly, I grabbed its forearm and pulled while I kicked through its chest cavity, my foot tearing through its vital flesh and out the other side, it's still beating heart jerking on the ground. Still holding the creatures limp body I striked backwards impalling the third creature on its desceased brethrens arm.

The last two tried a different tactic, they pounced at the same time, but I knew it was coming. I moved my right arm so fast that not even they could see it moving, slicing through ones flesh, seperating it's torso from it's waist and legs. I turned to the last and with the finese Mother had drilled into me, I pulled a dagger from the closed pocket of my pants and stabbed it, directly through it's back piercing through its lungs. Then I and everyone else that was present watched it choke to death on it's own blood.

I turned towards the leader and the creatures behind it, I snarled loud and clear, this was my land, that was my mate and I would not give in easily- it would take all they had- and it seemed they knew that. The leader moved forward, dropping into an offensive pose.

I watched, on high alert, waiting for their next move, as all the creatures got ready to attack. I could feel my muscles tense, ready to run or fight, to defend or attack. Then in a flurry of movement they came, stalking towards me, the ones behind stayed where they were holding down my family, the Pack, Mother and Father. In waves they moved forward, an army to take down a soldier.

They broke into groups and began circling me, randomly breaking rank to move closer running as close as they thought safe, they were trying to un-nerve me, confuse me. I watched, eyes darting backwards and forwards, left and right. They closed in, blocking my line of sight, playing wiht my senses.

I moved into an offensive position, sometimes, the best defense is a good offence. I sprung, launching myself into the creatures behind on my right. They were un prepared, they screamed and howled and screeched and hissed as I ripped out their throats and pulled out their spleens. They didn't stop, more came to replace the ones i'd disposed of.

In the background, underneath all the howls and hisses I could hear Liz's tears fall to the ground, and the blood slowly drip from their cuts and flow through the earth. I could hear the whimpers escape my brothers mouths each time the creatures tightened their holds or breathed down their necks.

I gripped the ones closest to me, there were no more fancy techniques or perfect moves, my only goal was to destroy, destroy these creatures these monsters that had come here and ruined any glint of hope or happiness I could've ever allowed myself to feel. These creatures that had destroyed the thin balance I had tetering in my life.

I tried to keep them away, I gripped necks and snapped, throwing the dead carcasses at the others and hearing them fall under the weight. I sqeezed the life out of their veins and watched as precious red liquid spurted from broken skin drenching the air in a delectable scent.

That was when it happened, I could feel bonds start to slide and a side I never knew begin to slip through the cracks in my cage. I growled and snarled and everything began to blur the only thing I could focus on was the bloody lump of flesh being gripped in my hands. The feel of my talons ripping through flesh, and then my senses came back to me. I stood in a puddle of blood and gore, covered in a red liquid that made my mouth water.

They never stopped they just kept moving, as they all moved as one, jumping and pushing till they had me gripped in their arms and still they circled. They knew I could rip through them with a twist of my hand, with a flick of my rist or a soft bite to the skin and they would be dead.

They seperated and I focussed on the leader of the creatures, he gestured wildly towards my Pack, my Mate, Brothers, Sisters, Mother and Father all caught gripped and lieing flat on the ground, their chests heaving with ragged breaths. I stilled, the rumble in my chest echoing around the grounds, I knew they were in pain, just a small twitch from the creatures and they would be dead.

"What!" I managed to growl out, "What is it you want!" the creatures stilled, I stilled. My voice i barely recognised, then suddenly in a gravely tone i was replied "You" it stated. I hissed at him, "All of this will stop, if you surrender" and as i looked around I knew.

They would not stop, they would keep gpoing till every single member of family and Pack were nothing but  a slab of decaying flesh and bones. And as I returned to my ordinary form, covered in the remains of the dead and clothed in the rags of what was originally jeans, I let myself be dragged, pulled by the creatures.

They gave me a clear view as they dropped my family and pack members, leaving them and backing off, disapearing one by one, watching as they dropped Liz to the ground and moved away. I knew it was for the best as they dragged me through these people I knew, slowly sitting up, cradling themselves and whimpering as they moved.

I would give myself up to save them all, after all i'd be dead either way. If Father or Mother didn't get to me Markus or Antonio would and if they missed, there was the vampires to worry about and then the council as well. This was the better option, the only way to survive.

It was only as i was dragged away, when I heard the sharp intakes of breath that I realised out of all things, I was not wearing a shirt and my back was seen by every Pack member, by all my brothers sitting out there and as i turned to glance back at them all I knew i had made the right descision, the only descision.

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