Emelia had turned to her other side, her head on Henry's pillow, she breathed in his scent. Pine, musk, and some kind of cologne. She sighed in content, and then jumped out of the bed when she realized Henry wasn't in the bed, and slightly out of embarrassment for what she had just done.

"Henry?" She called out, no answer. She walked to Abe's room, he was gone as well. Panicking, she went back to her room, and saw a note that had fallen off the bed. She leaned down and picked it up, she began to read: "Miss Kyle, I thought I had warned you not to return, and not to return with your friends either. Did I not make it clear what I would do to them? If not, I apologize for not being more clear. I'm sure you would like to know what I really will do to them, and I'm sure you're very confused as to how my underlings snuck into your rooms and took your precious Abe and Henry from under your watchful nose. I just had one of my children drug you, and then knock out the boys, simple enough. Now, I'm not going to be cliche and tell you to try and save them, to meet me at some warehouse, No no, that would never do. I'm going to torture, kill and then dump their bodies, and you will have to live with yourself knowing it's your fault. You brought them back here, when I asked you not to. And now you will know what happens when someone disobeys my orders. Perhaps we will meet again, but not today. ~Arthur Benningham."

Emelia clutched the letter in her fist, and shoved it into her pocket. She quickly got dressed, and ran out the door, asking anyone and everyone if they had seen anything weird, if they had seen her friends with some men. Nothing. No one had been awake at that hour, so no one saw anything. 

Emelia walked back towards the fancy hotel she killed those other two vampires by, and found another note hanging. It read: "Ah, perhaps we shall have a little fun. I'll tell you three places they might be, each has several of my children waiting to kill you, only one has your friends. Good luck, Emelia.."

She felt sick, reading her name written by such a sick vampire, and why did he call the other vampires his children? This bothered her.

She ran to the first place it said they could be, an abandoned factory near the river. She walked in the back entrance, hoping to sneak up on the vampires. There weren't any vampires at all. "What the hell?" She whispered. She quickly got to the second place, where there were half a dozen vampires. She began fighting with them, shooting one in the head, another two were beheadded, another had its face burnt to a crisp, and one she hacked to bits. The last one, however, she interrogated. 

"Where are they!? They aren't here are they? Are they at this place?" She asked holding up the letter. She had tied the vampire to a pole, and lit a fire under her, Emelia kept dumping water over her head to keep her alive and suffering. 

The vampire let out a scream, "No! They're not there!" She screamed, "Where the fuck did that bastard take them!?" She asked, she didn't care if anyone heard her, she was far enough from town that she should be alright.

"Where the hell did he take my friend!? Where did he take Henry!?" She asked again, taking notice in her own words, and harshness. This was unlike herself. But this was what she had to do to get her friends back. To get Abe back. To get Henry back.

"He had us take them to his estate uptown! It's in the woods, a secluded place. Please just stop!!" Emelia forced the vampire to give her coordinates. "If you're wrong about this, I'll find a way to bring you back to life again, and I'll fucking kill you!" She yelled, and let the vampire burn to death. 

Emelia quickly rented a horse, and began riding to Benningham's estate in uptown Louisiana. She could faintly see the glow of candle light in windows, she sped up, and went through the woods. She left the horse in the woods, and scoped out the area. There didn't seem to be any vampires outside of the building, but she could see a couple figures walking past windows.

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