JiJue's POV

Kimmie handed Belle to me and she started cooking with the girls

"You know you and Kimmie would make a nice couple.. " Joka said

" Huh?  Me and Kimmie are just friends" I said

"Well doesn't look like it" Hoshi said

"What do you mean?? " I asked very confused

[He doesn't know what love is...  *facepalm*]

Hey I know!!!

"What Hoshi meant was she trusts you most!!"  Hyme said

"What do you mean trusts me most??  She trusts the girls most" I said

"No like a boy.  Your the only boy that she ever trusted" Joka said

"Nope still don't get it" I said

"Look she trusts you with Belle.  I don't really know if she knows but Belle is comfortable with Allie also but she still chose you" Joka replied

"Well we still don't know" I said

"Ok Dinner is ready!! " Allie yelled

" Salad made by HaJi" Allie said placing Salad on the table

"Barbecue made my me" Allie said placing barbecue

" Fried Rice made by Geraldeen" Allie said placing 2 bowls of fried rice

"Fish and chips made by JiHyu but she sid its all for her" Allie said placing a bowl

"Onion Rings made by Yuri" Allie placed it down

"and Extra crunchy Fried Chicken made by Hanuel and Yin!! " Allie said placing ot down while sitting the other girls also sat

" Where is Kimmie?? " I asked

" Oh she is preparing her specialty and she is also talking to Namjoon" Hanuel i think accidentally spilled the beans.

"Shhhhh" JiHyu and Yuri said.

"Namjoon?!!?!?!  As in the leader of the boy band BTS!?!?!?! " Geraldeen exclaimed

" No! " The 4 girls said trying to hide it

" Huh? " Geraldeen said

" Lets just eat!! " Allie said as we started to eat

" ---K we will met next week...... Do I have to bring the girls?? " Kimmie said speaking to 'Namjoon'  I think while carrying a bowl of her specialty

She placed the food down and started talking to 'Namjoon'  again

" Ok I'll bring them...  Does he need us urgently next week??...........  Oh OK tell him we will arrive I think 6 or 7 pm" She said ending the call

"OK Im back!! " She said facing us again

" This is my specialty!!  ADOBO!! " Kimmie said

[For the people that doesn't know,  Adobo is the national food of Philippines!!  It is either Chicken or Pork]

" Waw!!! " We exclaimed

" Go on try it" She said sitting down between me and Hanuel

We tried it..


"Woah Kimmie I didn't know you were a great cook!! "  Hyme said

" Hehehe thank Lets eat then!! " We said eating

I was feeding Belle

After eating. Kimmie's POV

Yuri and Hanuel were washing the dishes as the other went to brush there teeth then sleep

After brushing Belle's teeth.  I laid her down beside me

I already informed the girls about it earlier

I read Belle her storybook as she went to sleep

I contacted Kim Lee

Bold and Italic- Kimmie

Italic and underlined- Kim Lee



Hello?  Kimmie?  Is Belle OK??  What is she doing??

Ah yes Belle's fine.  She is already sleeping

Ok good

How's Mom and Dad??

They are fine you should visit because Mom is gettin more worried

OK tell them I miss them


I went back to Astrovill..  I saw Sky again..  He was bigger than before

Obviously he is..  He is growing..  Tell me when you are going back there

Oh yah I forgot.  Me and the girls have to go back to Astrovill

Already !!??  I though you had to meet every year I think something is going to be wrong in this one..

Bro It going to be fine...

Ok just make sure....

When I get back to Earth don't let any one know

Ok since you are my adopted sister

Ok bye


Call ended

I placed my phone down and laid down beside Belle

You might ask.  I though your parents died??  Who are the people you are  calling Mom and Dad?....

Well here goes my Past...

To be continued.


Thanks for reading


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