Chapter 31: Channel 7

Start from the beginning

"But for now, we have to get some fluids in you, hon. You can't faint again."

I nod again. "Mom, I'm feeling kind of tired, do you think I could just lie down for awhile?"

"Sure honey." She says warily.
"Okay, thanks mom." I say, heading toward my room.

As soon as I get in my room, I lock the door and plop onto my bed with my backpack. My supercomm is out and my bag is on the floor in seconds.

"Guys, it's me. Over." I say into my radio.

"Dustin here."

"What's up?" Lucas asks.

"What happened?" Will asks.

I didn't say anything, but I was really grateful that they're such good friends to me. They're always there for me as soon as I ask. They're the best.

"Okay, so what did you do when I disappeared?" I ask.

"What?" Lucas asks.

"You didn't disappear, man." Dustin says.

"What?" I ask. I figured I couldn't be in two places at once. Was it just a dream?

"Didn't it just feel like you fell asleep?" Will says.

"No, I...I thought I saw Y/N."

"Like, a dream?" Dustin asks.

"No, was definitely real." I respond. "What did I look like when I was unconscious?"

"Uh...unconscious." Dustin says.

"But actually, now that I think of it...the color kind of faded from you." Lucas says.

"Like, pale?" I wonder.

"No, no, you looked...gray." Lucas says.

"Gray?" I repeat.

"Yeah. It was weird, man." Lucas says.

"But I was with Y/N! It felt so real! But I guess I can't be in two places at once." I say defeated.

"What do you mean you were with Y/N?" Will asks.

"Well, I woke up in the upside down and-"

"Upside down?"

"It's like Hawkins but it's dark and cold. Kind of sucks."

"Oh. Is that where she disappeared to?" Dustin says.

"Yeah. So anyways, I woke up and I heard someone running from something. Panting and sprinting. So I called to the person, and when she came out of the woods I saw it was Y/N. We hid from what was chasing her. I...I got a look at it. It was like a man, but it was too tall. It's skin was dark and veiny." I shutter.

"You sure this wasn't a dream?" Lucas asks.

"Positive." I say confidently.

" could you be unconscious here, but perfectly awake in the Upside Down?" Will wonders aloud.

"I...I don't know." I admit. "But I'm sure it was real."

Silence follows. After a second or two, Dustin asks a question.

"Wait a minute...Lucas, you said his body was almost colorless?"

"Yeah, why?" He responds.

"And Mike, you're absolutely positive you were awake in the Upside shmown or whatever?"

"Upside down, and yes." I say.

"Meet me at the library. Right now. Over and out." He says quickly.

"Wait, what?" I say to no one. My mom would never let me go out right now! Unless...

"Mom, I'm going to pick up my work from school." I say, heading to the garage.

"Oh no sweetie, you're staying right here." She says, emerging from the living room. "I'll pick it up myself."

"Mom, please? I feel fine! Really! I want some fresh air. Please?" I ask.

She studies my face while I try not to look guilty.

"Oh, alright, but be careful!" She warns.

I grin at her. "Thanks mom."

I ride furiously to the library, my legs on fire and my eyes wet from the wind rushing in my face.

The party is waiting at the first table.

"Dude, what took you so long?" Dustin asks impatiently.

"I had to convince my mom to let me go." I say. "Now, what's up?"

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