Chapter 8: A Forgiving Friend

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I walk to the door, taking a deep breath. 

"Hey, what's up?" She asks.

Oh God, I shouldn't of done this.

"Just something I need to clear up, come in." I say.

Okay, not bad. First minute = total success. Awww yeeaahh

(A/N: That was insanely corny but he's a dork piss off)

"Um, do you want anything to drink?" I ask.

"No, no I'm good, thanks." she says. 

"Okay, then let's go down to the basement. Or my room? I don't know whatever you want, or wherever you'd be more comfortable sometimes it can be a bit stuffy if you know what I-" 

"Where's closest?" she interrupts. 

"My room."

"Then let's go."

She sits down on the bean bag chair, and X-rays me with her intimidating eyes. 

"So what's up?" She asks.

"So on Friday," I begin. I can already see her tense up. "I was just, frustrated with Troy, and I really didn't mean to-"

"Listen, it's okay. Plus the-" 

"No, it's not okay. At all, really. I said stupid things, and most likely made you feel really weird, and I'm really sorry. Please can things just go back to normal?" 

"Yeah, yeah we're good." she says.


"Really. I'm kind of glad you said something."

"Really? I was thinking I should've just left it alone, and not say anything."

"No, no, believe me, that would've been bad. That usually happens, and the two people usually never talk to each other again. Or at least, it's never the same." she replies.

"Alright cool, honestly thank God, today was so awkward." I say in relief.

"Oh my God, I know." she responds.

"Alright, so what are you doing today? I mean, you could go home if you want, which is totally fine, but you know you just got here so if you want to stay, that's cool too." I say, mentally cursing myself for being so pushy. I might as well say 'Hey Y/N, I invited you here to talk to you about how awkward I was on Friday, and how weird it is without talking to you, but hey we already talked, so let's make it even more awkward by me forcing you to hang out!'

"I don't know, nothing really." she says.

"Well, what do you wanna do?" 

"Honestly, I don't know."



"Okay, then it's up to me. C'mon, let's go."

"Where?" she asks.

"You'll see." I say as I leave my room.

"Oh God." she mumbles.

"Oh, but wait," I say grabbing a rag on the floor.  I turn to her and hold it out. "Surprise time."

"Oh God," she groans. "This better be good dweeb."

(A/N dweeb felt appropriate stuff it)

"Dweeb?" I ask.

(Not you too Mike)

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