Chapter Four

Beginne am Anfang

"I made it somehow! I can' miss John's BBQ!" said Daddy as he waved at John. One by one Danny hugged Eric and John then went to Maddie.

"Hey, Sis Mad!" said Danny sarcastically.

"You will never grow up!" sighed Maddie and playfully hit Danny's arm. The side hugged him as she was holding Lily.

"Isn't this my best girl?" cooed Danny. Lily lifted her head from the crock of her mother;s neck and gave Daddy a grin.

"Come here baby!" said Danny as he took Lily on his arms. Immediately Lily hugged Danny with her tiny hands and placed her head on the crock of his neck.

"Heyyy! That's not fair! She loves you more than she does me" scoffed Eric. Everyone laughed. Then Danny looked at Sebastian.

"You must be Sebastian! Brian's would be hubby?" wniked Danny

"Yes, I think I am." said Sebastian gently.

"Well. just to let you know, Bri and I used to date when we were kids and we were madly in love with each other." said Danny seriously. I smacked his arm.

"Ouch! I know you still 'wove' me!" said Danny sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. Sebastian ans Danny shook hands.

"I must go and meet the others or else Mom will kill me." said Danny.

"I would love to see that." said Eric and I together and everyone started to laugh.

"Yeah. Whatever!.By the way, Sebastian, It is nice to see you in person." said Danny and he left with LIly in his arms.

"In person? Eric? Did you sent him Sebastian's photo?" I looked at him disbelievingly.

"Bri, are you high? Or out of your mind?" said Eric sounding surprised.

"What are you talking about?" I said sounding confused.

"Bri! It's Sebastian!" said Maddie and John together.

"Yeah I know it's Sebastian! What's the big deal?" I said. I looked at Sebastian who was wearing a amused expression.

"Do you even live in this time?" said Maddie.

"I don;t have any idea what you guys are talking about."I said.

"You guys need to talk." sai John pointing at Sebastian and I.

"Why?" I said.

"Bri! You ask too much unnecessary! Just If you had asked the right guy the right question!" sighed Maddie disbelievingly.

"What? I...What right question?" I was dumbfounded.

"You guys really need to talk." said Maddie as she shook her head in disbelieve.

I looked at Sebastian and he nodded at me. I lead him to my old bedroom. I opened the door and we got inside.

"Your room? Quite girly. Doesn't look like you." chuckled Sebastian.

"Have a seat." I sighed. Sebastian sat on the bed. I sat next to him.

"You seriously don't who I am?" said Sebastian with amusement .

"You are Sebastian?" I shrugged. Sebastian started to laugh.

"What is so funny?" I asked as I was confused.

"Okay. okay...." said Sebastian.

"Just cut the shit, Sebastian!" I demanded.

"Have you ever watched any Marvel movies?" said Sebastian still wearing the amused expression.

"What is this to do with that?" I said.

"Just tell me na!" said Sebastian.

"Of course I did. I watched each and every movie. Eric and I always watch it in the theaters." I said plainly.

"So you know Captain America?" said Sebastian.

"Of course I know! Chris Evans is so damn freaking HOT! I have a crush on him since I have seen him on the Fantastic Four! He is too hot to be true. You know what it should not be legal to look this much hot. And....." when I realised that I was talking to much, I stopped talking. Sebastian looked like he would burst out laughter any moment.

"What's so funny? Everyone has a celebrity crush. I have as well." I said normally.

"Have you watched all the Captain America Movies?" said Sebastian.

"Looks like you are a MCU fan! Well yeah!" I said.

"Can you name the main characters." said Sebastian.

"Come on, Sebastian! Cut the shit!" I said impatiently.

"Do you even know what do I do for living?" said Sebastian.

"Ummm. Dad must have told me.." I shrugged. Sebastian sighed.

"Name the lead characters." demanded Sebastian.

"Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, Howard Stark, Bucky Barnes.......whoa! wait!" I stopped then looked at Sebastian. He was looking at me hopefully.

"Now I know whom do you look like! You look like BUcky! The Winter Soldier! Yeah! And I was wondering from the start that whom do you look like......but wait." I stopped my babbling.

"What is this to do with you?" I said. Sebastian sighed again. Not believing my word.

"Have you ever Goggled for the characters? Like their real names and all?" sighed Sebastian.I could sense that he was getting impatient

"Yeah I did for Chris Evans! ANd I don't really looked at the other characters much. So yeah..." I said still so dumbfounded.

"You said my name was 'Sebastian Fruhauf'? said Sebastian.

"Isn;t it?" I bit my nail nervously.

"My name is Sebastian Stan. And I should look like Buck the Winter Solider cause I am HIM!" said Sebastian impatiently. I gasped.

"WHAT?" I screamed.

"yeah!" said Sebastian.

"You never told me that!" I said as I felt my anger rising.

"You never asked me!" said Sebastian in his defense. Well.. He was right. I buried m face in to my hands. This can't be possible.

"This can't be happening" I muttered.

"What can't be happening?" said Sebastian gently.

"Leave Sebastian. Just leave me alone for a moment. I really need a lot to take in." I said sternly. Without another word Sebastian left my room.

God! What did just happen!

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