01|A Bad Situation

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My name is Trinity St. James and I currently reside in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Ready to tell my story on how one incident can change your life completely. Leaving me to pick up the pieces of the aftermath. I had to face reality without the current people in my life that I once loved, trusted, and cared for. I'm leaving them behind in the past and moving on to new beginnings.

"No stress, no fights. I'm leaving it all behind. No tears, no time to cry. Just making the most of life".

I received a disturbing phone call making me lose my train of thought, work ethic, my appetite, and separating myself from everybody. I remember
that eventful day like it was yesterday. Your girl
will never forget November 1st, 2010, the day my
life had completely changed. When my world came crumbling down with different emotions, drama
and making me question everyone around me. I'm
getting little ahead of myself right now guys.
Let me start from the very beginning on that life changing day.

It is officially Monday morning in Trinity's  hometown and the weather is not looking so great for the upcoming week. It's currently six - fifteen in the morning at the St. James residence. She is currently getting ready to leave for her long twelve hour shift at the Chestnut Hill hospital.

I'm almost five months into my second year of medical school. My body still finds it to be difficult
to adjust to the long hours working in the hospital every week. My eyes felt very heavy leaving me to listen to the steady beating of rain against the hospital window.

The steady beating of rain was making me tired and ready to go home. I still have other obligations to complete before I leave my shift at the hospital later on today. I'm still in medical school working on completing my residence.

It's becoming over whelming because I have a lot on my plate involving me keeping up with school and my family. I have to do my medical condition readings on all of the patients I've seen during my shift at the hospital. I have to chart and report back to my supervisor by the end of my shift every day.

After making my rounds to patients on floors 2,4, and 6,it was my responsibility to check back in with my patients to follow up with them on their current conditions. I grabbed my last chart file from the fourth floor making my way to floor six. In the back of my mind all I wanted to do is go back to sleep.

A yawn escaped my Metallic lips making me want to go the break room and take a break from all of this. In the mist of me yawning my phone vibrated against my leg and it scared the shit out of me. I
had to sneak off to one of the nearby lounges. I'm now heading to M5-M6 lounge area not wanting to be around my attending physician at this current moment because my emotions are all over the
place sadly. It took the third ring for me to answer my iPhone X. When I looked at the caller ID. It was
my cousin Normani.

Me and Normani's relationship haven't been the same for the past few years over something petty. We went from speaking just about everyday to not really speaking at all, but thats okay with me to be honest because I'm tired of her bullshit. I will not give a person like herself my energy ever again.
She is very toxic, and only comes around when
it's beneficial to her not the other way around.

Back to this toxic ass cousin of mine calling my damn phone while I'm at work making money for
a living;but anyways, where were we? Aww yea,
my cousin called my phone while I was in the
lounge daydreaming. She scared me to death
making me lose my train of thought at that given moment.

I got up from my seat in the lounge and decided to take this phone call to a more private location. I didn't want to get fired for saying something that could make me lose my job or any chances of me becoming a doctor in the future. I quickly answered the phone before it went straight to voicemail. It was making me wonder why my petty ass cousin with no life is calling my phone right now?

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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