5x16 - Dark Side Of The Moon

Start from the beginning

"Sam?" Dean goes back to the impala and leans on the roof. The radio comes on, very scratchy. "Dean!" Castiel can be heard from the radio.

Dean leans in the driver's side window. "Cas?" Dean gets back in the car. "You gotta stop poking around in my dreams. I need some me time"

"Listen to me very closely. This isn't a dream" Castiel tells him.

"Then what is it?"

"Deep down, you already know"

Dean flashes on Walt shooting Sam, then himself. Dean's eye, partially shit. His face is blank. He is dead. "I'm dead"


"Where am I?"


"Heaven? How did I get to heaven?" Dean asks confused.

"Please, listen. This spell, this connection, it's difficult to maintain"

"Wait. If I'm in heaven, then where's Sam?"

"What do you see?" Castiel ignores his question about Sam.

"What do you mean 'what do I see'?"

"Some people see a tunnel or a river. What do you see?"

"Nothing. My dash. I'm in my car. I'm on a road"

"Alright. A road. For you it's a road. Follow it, Dean. You'll find Sam" The radio is breaking up "Follow the road" the radio dies.

Dean starts the impala and drives down the dark highway. The moon is huge and the sky is purple-toned and odd. Dean pulls up in front of a nice three-story house, slightly old-fashioned looking. Lights are bright inside it. Dean climbs slowly out of the car. He looks around but there is nothing but the house.


Dining Room – Night

A man is carving turkey. He places a huge piece on Sam's plate. Sam is dressed in a white shirt and tie. "Thank you"

"So, Sam. I hear you're new to McKinley"

"Um, yes sir. Two weeks"

"Stephanie over here just can't seem to stop talking about you"

"Dad, shut up" Stephanie smiles at Sam. Sam smiles back nervously. She grabs his thigh and Sam jumps. "Ummm" Sam looks up to see Dean walking into the dining room.

"Wow. Just wow"

"Dean? What are you doing in my dream?" Dean just makes a face in response.


There is a rumbling noise from outside. Dean and Sam look around "I don't remember this" the lights go out. The family continues eating. The house begins to shake.

"Hey" they look at the family "We should, uh..."

"Definitely" Sam agrees.

They run to the far corner of the room. Sam stands up beside the window. Dean ducks behind the couch. The glass in a picture on the mantle breaks. The family continues eating. A searchlight streams through the window. Dean drops down lower. More furniture falls over. More glass breaks. Then the searchlight disappears.

The lights come on in the house and Sam and Dean leave their hiding places. The family is still eating and talking in the background. Dean sees a radio and goes to it. Sam follows. "Okay, what the hell was that?"

"I don't know, but we are taking the escalator back downstairs" Dean hits the radio "Cas!"

"What are you doing?"

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