ummmmmmm I don't know lol

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Hi.. sorry I just don't feel like my self lately and honestly I don't know why I am writing. I guess it is thereipudic if that is how you spell it? Lately I feel down and i am a pretty positive person. But I have been changing and not in a good way. Well to me. I have been saying negative things and Been more..... I don't now the word for it. I have been trying to be happy and cheerful but I cant Idk why.
If any of you feel like this then I hope you know how to change it because I know I don't. I feel like I am in an endless loop. Sorry if this is making your day bad and honestly if it is then please stop reading this.

I did want to upset any of you I just needed to get my emotions out because my perants probably would notice as much as they love me they have a lot going on at the moment.  Which I am not going to say.

I know  I say a lot but I WILL update on the second book.

Thats all for now my amigos see u soon x

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