part 4

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Hi everyone. Yes I am not dead. Sorry abut the long time not writing but school has been hectic last year and is it just me or am I glad that 2017 is over. * starts to have a party*. Also I have good news I am writing a book. Whoop whoop.

So I am writing a book.*inhales deeply*
Ok sorry I had to get that off of my chest. The book will be about 5sos. And it will be based around two girls and there life. So if yo have anything that is wrong with it or anything to ask than I am all ears. Also if you want any type of story from me then that is ok to. My goal this year is to write at least once a month. LEAST! I emfosice on that because I might write more. But I have high school and it is a nightmare at the moment so we will see.
Also thank you so much for 7!!! Followers I never thought that I would get that much. It sounds stupid but I am a very "to my self person" and I only have 10 friends witch is a huge thing for me so yeah. I only thought that I would get 1 because 1 of my friends is on hear but 6 of you I don't even know. So yeah. And also if you follow me and I don't follow you back then kick my ass. Because I want to follow ever one of you because you are amazing and also I would like to give my followers a name so if you come up with one then let me know and I will decide on a name :D I hope that you guys are going to have a great year and thank you for reading this if you still are, and I will speak to you guys again. Bye for now.

P.s I will be writing in this book alot this year. :D 

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