my life (true story)

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Hi guys sorry it has been awhile since I have been on this book but I wanted to talk to you and tell you the truth about me.

Ever since I was little I was hurt quite badly by my father and i am still quite young but that doesn't matter. And if you didn't know all ready this month is PRIDE Month and a quick side note. If you are different to everyone else and they all pull yo down I am so proud of you of being you and not the other people :D. (e.g bisexual,  trancgender,pan, binary ect). back to the story I actually want to be a boy but I can't. And that is personal so I will keep it to my self. But I always thought that I was in the wrong body. My heart say boy but my appearance is a girl. So what do I do please help me should I go. with my heart or my appearance.

Please help me with this. What should I do.

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