(11) They raped me, and now I'm pregnant... by a Vampire

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My father… came into possession of it many years ago and passed it onto me. Before he could, a werewolf, more specifically, your brother stole it from me.”

With that, there was complete silence in the room. I wasn’t sure what to do. Not one of us moved, until Erika came into the room.

Serena’s POV:

She looked like a wreck, her eyes were blood red, her pupils were dilated and she had multiple scratches running down the length of her arms. She looked at me, worried, or with disgust, I am not sure, but when she looked at William she was about to lash out at him. William noticed this and was behind her in a second, I couldn’t tell what they were doing, their movements faster than I could see. Alex grabbed me from behind and started pulling me to through the house. “Where the hell are you taking me Alex?!” trying to get away from him was nearly impossible his hold on my arm was strong, too strong. I was starting to lose circulation in my arm.

“I am getting you away from all those monsters! Why didn’t you tell me he had kidnapped you?? I would have gotten you out of there sooner! He better not have laid a finger on you or I swear I will burn   that precious book of his-”

“You mean you actually stole it from him?!? WHY??” I screamed, louder than I should have, suddenly Alex closed my mouth as we walked into the garage and he got onto the closest vehicle, which was a motorcycle. And his luck, it even had the key in the ignition. Aren’t vampires supposed to be smart? Isn’t this a bit too stupid coming from them? Great, making escape for my brother even easier. Realizing my mistake of letting my brother sit me on the motorcycle... What should I do? I finally have the chance to get away from William even after everything he has done to me. Even though he DID kidnap me, I feel like he didn’t kidnap me at all, I had total freedom around the house, and even Erika, my best friend is here to keep me company, which is a whole lot better than I got from my crazy family.


I kept quiet, maybe I could get some alone time after this. Is my family even my family? Alex is a werewolf; does that make my whole family a pack of werewolves? But my sister is as much human as I was. My whole family didn’t seem to be werewolves at all; wouldn’t my dad have noticed that William is a vampire as well? I was starting to get a headache but I didn’t want to let go of my brother who already passed the automatic garage door and gates. I thought I heard an alarm earlier, but I doubt it was why would there be an alarm? Besides, William’s vampire speed would have gotten him here faster than this bike would have been once he noticed I was gone right?

My headache wouldn’t go away and I was calmer now that I was away from William, even though a stupid other half of me was furious with me telling me to go back to him. What was it?  Was it my conscious or something? I slowly started falling asleep behind my brother just after he gave off a relieved sigh.

* . * . * . *

I woke up in a hotel room, hungrier than I was the last time I woke up. The bed was good, for a hotel, it was pretty huge, and there was a note on the bedside table, it said


I went to do some business and won’t be back for a while, whatever you do, DO NOT go outside, it’s dangerous and I can’t take the chances of you going outside, also don’t open the door to anyone, there is food in the kitchen, take a shower, have fun!

They raped me, and now I'm pregnant.... by a VampireWhere stories live. Discover now