(5) They raped me, and now I'm pregnant... by a Vampire

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"Did you see him?"

"Yeah! He had the HOTTEST Bod EVER!"

"I heard his name is William."

William? How can that be?

I went outside and saw Erica arguing with..... William?!?!?

* * * *

Serena's POV:

Suddenly i didn't feel so good. I felt like my stomach was about to explode. (5...4...3...2...1...BAM!)[lol]

I ran back to the bathroom, and threw up in a stall. The bell rang and I was glad I had some pads. I put one on, thinking it was probably one of my hard periods.

(Note, whenever she has her periods, she gets the whole pregnancy thing, throw-up, nauseous, cramps, and sometimes she gets sweaty and delirious. Which is why she thinks its normal)

As I went to class I sat down in my seat. Feeling as if I was about to pass out. As the teacher came in, so did someone else, but I didn't care. I put my head down on my desk. My body was so cold... But I still kept on sweating. my stomach hurt... so much Suddenly I heard a familliar voice...

"Hello everyone. My name is william. I just moved here."

No shit, Of course! You just happened to move when you raped me!

the teacher said,

"Miss Hamilton, Would you be kind as to giving Mr..... Hamilton a tour of the school? I will give you two a hall pass for this period and next period too."

I sighed. Well, I WAS the teachers pet. Why does he have to steal MY last name too?

As I went outside, He grabbed me and started making out with me...

I was so furious! I pushed him... to no avail, I ran to the bathroom, and threw up again. William came in looked at me concerned, grabbed me bridal style and carried me to his car.

He has a car?!?!?!

Then we went to a store I stared at him confused, and he said that he just had to pick something up.

I was curious. but my stomach didn't want to stay still. I got outside and threw up again. That's odd. Why do i keep throwing up? I went to the bathroom and looked at my pad...

No blood...

I got outside but I stopped. William was standing there. I froze. He had a brown bag and took something out of it.

It was a little white box.

I didn't get what he meant. I took it and stared at it.

I went to the bathroom and stared at it...

I opened it to see a pack of ten pregnancy tests.

He wants me to pees on all of them?!?!? Is he crazy?!?!?

might as well start now...

But how was it right? I just had sex with him yesterday! I did the math in my head...

I finished my period two weeks ago! How is it even possible? and he raped me not even 24 hours ago that cannot be possible!

By the time I was done peeing on all of them i opened the door, and he was there, sitting on the floor next to the door. As soon as I opened it, he came in and stared at them. I didn't even want to know...

They raped me, and now I'm pregnant.... by a VampireWhere stories live. Discover now