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"what's going on here?" Jin said walking to the table with all the other boy's

"look at this" yoongi said pointing at J hope's phone

"well show me" Jin said

"well sit the fuck right here" yoongi said leaving a spot for Jin

"thanks" Jin said sitting down soon looking at J hopes phone

when Jin watched the video he burst out laughing as so did the other's  heck even fucking yoongi


you don't really know what to do all the boys are at work and you are bored as fuck, you wanted to go see them but yoongi just arrived to work, so you decided to make lunch for them so you can take it to them...... hours from now

as you went to the kitchen you noticed that you had no ingredients for the Kimchi Fried rice so you had to go to the store

"i don't really want to go to the store..... i hate going places" you say to yourself

you knew that yoongi was not going to be home till 3 and it took like 1 hour to get to a store and took 30 minutes to make one kimchi plate fuck it you are not going to do math so you went to the store and bought your things that you needed for the kimchi

on the way home you thought about what happened last Night  with Jungkook and yoongi, why was yoongi acting like that with jungkook after he forced me to have sex with him????? but you didn't bother to ask yoongi but kinda wanted too

well fuck he might get pissed if you ask that question so you wont ask for how yoongi might act...

when you got home you put the bags of ingredients on the table, you wanted to not make kimchi  now because it was 1:41 not 3:50 so you just played Mario Kart for an hour


"J hope get your shit together and fucking lift the box up" yoongi said pointing at the box for         J hope to pick up

"why?" J hope said

yoongi walked over to J hope

"you better fucking pick it up or i will beat your ass" yoongi whispered to J hope, while yoongi was holding J hope's shirt up to his chin

"r-right away" J hope said sitting up from his chair picking the box up and entering the other room

Yoongi gave a smirk

"why did you do that?" V said

"he didn't fucking listen the first time" yoongi said giving a sharp look at V

"s-sorry" V said

"it's fine" Yoongi said

"o-ok Hyu-" V started

"get the fuck back to work" yoongi said as he walked away slowly

"i-i got you" V said as he counted the money

"hey suga Hyung" Jimin said as he ran up to Yoongi

"what do you want chim?" yoongi said

"is it lunch time yet?" Jimin said

"no Chim it's only...2:30" yoongi said as he turned his phone off

"i'm so hungry tho for Y/N's kimchi" Jimin said putting his hand on his stomach 

"did i hear kimchi?" J hope said walking near yoongi and Jimin

"yeah Y/N is making Kimchi for us on lunch break" Jimin said looking at J hope

"ah~  that made me more hungry then normal Chim" J hope said

"i'm going  back to work and you two should too" Yoongi said pointing at some boxes in the corner

"r-right" Jimin and J hope said running to the boxes and putting them in the other room 

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