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as Jungkook kept on fucking you Jimin started wondering where could you be?

"Y/N i-i'm c-cumming" Jungkook said in a moan which Jimin heard a little

"Y/N?!" Jimin yelled

Jimin started running to the back on the building he saw you and jungkook fucking

Jimin had his eyes widened he knew  you would never cheat on yoongi

"should i say something?" Jimin thought to himself

"fuck it i'm going to help her" Jimin said to himself

"get the fuck off her Jungkook-ah" Jimin yelled pulling Jungkook off you

you put your pants up in embarrassment 

"Jimin Hyung it's not what it looks like!" Jungkook yelled sitting on the grass in fear looking up at Jimin

Jungkook finally stood up he was taller then Jimin

"you can't go fucking Y/N like that!" Jimin yelled in anger all the boys knew Jimin is so sweet and has a soft voice all the time but when he's angry its....scary

"i can fuck her if i want Jimin Hyung!" Jungkook yelled

"no you cant Jungkook-ah she's not your girlfriend" Jimin yelled

soon you and Jimin walked away from Jungkook after jungkook  ran off

"are you ok Y/N?" Jimin said looking at you with pure sweetness in his eyes

"y-yeah i-i just don't know what suga would say" you say

"i think you should tell suga Hyung" Jimin said

"tell me what?" some boy said in front of you two

"suga?" Jimin said looking up at yoongi

"hello chim" yoongi said with his arms crossed

"i should get going i-i will see you later Y/N!" Jimin yelled in happiness then started running like he was fucking getting chased by someone who was going to kill him

"so what did Jimin say for you to tell me?" yoongi said looking down at you

"i-i um" you say scared

"is it about Jungkook-ah again?" yoongi said making eye contact with you

"y-yeah" you say looking at yoongi

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