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you walk outside and call yoongi

"What the fuck do you want?" yoongi said on the phone

"hurry up i'm going home right now so hurry" you say on the phone

"i take as much time as i fucking want Y/N" yoongi said

yoongi hangs up

you turn on the car and get in as you wait for yoongi

you soon see yoongi after like 1 minute

yoongi gets in the car with you

"damn Y/N you get to turn on the car and not me?" yoongi said

"sorry yoongi" you say as you start driving

(30 minutes pass) 

you get to your apartment with yoongi

"hey Y/N" yoongi said as you unlock the door and walk in

"yeah yoongi?" you say as you put the keys on the table

"i am looking for treasure can i look around your chest?" yoongi said to you as he hugged your waist making his way to your boobs

"what the fuck yoongi you can look an other day" you say

"no you can't tell me what to fucking do Y/N" yoongi said as he held your boobs in his hands

yoongi didn't let go of you

"jesus yoongi can i change at least?" you say

"fine Y/N" yoongi said as he let you go 

you went to go change as you changed into some fluffy pants and an other huge red T shirt

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