"Welcome!" I said cheerfully. The teenager barely acknowledged my presence.


I turned around and noticed that Janette and the other waitresses were busy with some customers, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to give him the menu and take his order.

As soon as I placed the menu on his table did he push it away, leaving some space for his fancy laptop.

"The usual." He spoke simply.

I blinked twice in confusion. Alright, so he was a regular then?

"I'm sorry but... It's the first time I'm serving you, so I don't know what your 'usual' is." I told him truthfully. I heard him sigh in annoyance, and it was then that he finally decided to turn around to look at me, really look at me.

My cheeks reddened a bit, he was a very handsome young man, it was hard to keep my composure under such an intense stare. I've only seen handsome men on TV, I didn't really think I'd meet one this pretty for real.

He stared at me like he had seen me before, and it was unsettling. I'm not exactly good at making eye-contact with people, (I'd back away immediately) but there was just something about his blue eyes that had me captivated.

He suddenly appeared surprised, as if he had realized something.

And then Karen came running.

"Oh my god I am so sorry, Kaiba sir!" She said, sounding terrified for some reason. "This girl started working today and, I could've sworn Janette told her about--"

"No, its alright." He spoke calmly. "I don't mind her being my waitress for today."

"Huh? Y-you--"

He waved her off casually before looking at me. I nearly froze.

She just said Kaiba. The CEO of Kaiba Corp. No way, this young man is a CEO! This... this...

This makes no sense.

In the blink of an eye, Karen was dismissed; leaving me alone with Kaiba. I felt both terrified and confused at this absurd turn of events.  Ultimately, he was a human like anyone else; rich CEO or not. If he wants something, I'll give it to him, easy as that.

So I breathed in and gave my very best to seem casual.

"Well uh, can I take your order?" I shrugged and took my notebook, ready to write whatever his 'usual' is. He looked at me for a few more seconds and leaned back on his chair, looking oddly mischievous.

"I'm feeling adventurous today, how about you surprise me?"

I frowned, "sorry?"

"Bring me something sweet, the very best you have." He said simply, "and some coffee, medium sized. I don't have all day."

I wrote it down, "right away, sir."

Okay... something sweet, our very best. I knew for a fact that the cinnamon buns from our café were well-known in Domino city. Janette was particularly proud to tell me that.

So I brought him his coffee and a plate with our best bun.

He took a bite of it almost immediately, not bothering to wait for my leave. As soon as he began chewing did his face twist into a disgusted frown.

"Blegh, disgusting." He muttered and pushed the plate to the edge. "It's disgustingly sweet, bring something else."

I felt like my veins were about to pop in anger. He had wanted something sweet, our very best. This was it, what did he expect?

I didn't want any problems so I nodded in understanding to fetch something else. This time though, I asked Karen for advice.

"Something sweet?" She said with mild surprise, "weird, he never orders sweets."

I blinked, "really? You have no idea about what he could like?"

"No... but how about this? The croissants aren't very sweet, and they melt easily on the tongue. It should be fine."

I took her advice and got him a croissant. It looked delicious, with a thin layer of honey on top of it to add a touch of sweetness. I never tasted it, but I could already tell that it was a delicacy.

When I placed the pastry on his table, I waited anxiously for his opinion. I felt like I was near Gordon Ramsay for some reason, it was extremely stressful.

He took a bite and I fixed my attention to his face, waiting to see if it would betray his opinion. Of course, he grimaced again and pushed the plate next to the bun.

"It's too buttery, bring me something with less fat."

I inhaled sharply.

"Right away... sir."


What followed after was hell.

I got him literally everything on our menu, but he was never happy.

"Too rough."

"Too crispy."

"Too much cream."

"Too many fruits."

"Too big, how do you expect me to take a bite out of this?"

"I'm allergic to that, take it away."

"Tastes bad, very bad."

In my stupor, I realized that his table along with two others were filled with sweets which he took bites of. I had tried to bring them back to the kitchen; but he insisted on keeping them for some reason.

I gave him the last pastry, and he had shown disgust over it too.

I felt my anger begin to rise.

"Sir, I'm sorry but that's all we have. You've taken a bite of all of our cakes." I told him as I refilled his cup. He seemed disappointed.

"Is that so? Well, I never liked sweets anyway so this doesn't surprise me."

If you don't like sweets, why the hell would you order all of them?! I thought to myself angrily. After I finished pouring him what could only be his third refill (seriously, how much coffee could this man drink?!) He reached out to pick up the mug, but 'accidentally' spilled some coffee on my brand new uniform instead.

"Oops, how clumsy of me." He apologized without looking apologetic. I glared at him with all of my might. If it wasn't for the thick black apron, the coffee would have burned my skin.

"You did this on purpose." I hissed. He smiled slightly as he leaned closer.

"Mm, so what if I did? What are you going to do about it, little waitress?"

"What the hell is your problem?! What did I do--"

"(Y/n)!" The manager called called angrily, "what do you think you're doing, raising your voice at a customer?! Clean up this mess immediately! We don't want Mr Kaiba's table to be dirty."

I clenched my fists and nodded.

"Right away, sir." I muttered and went on my knees to clean up the spilled coffee. I had a sinking feeling that this Kaiba felt perverse pleasure in seeing me miserable. Was he a sadist? It seemed that way.

After I finished wiping the floor and table of coffee, he gave me one last order that nearly blew my mind.

"I'd like for you to put all of these sweets in individual boxes for me, please."

I stared at the long line of plates waiting for me. There were about a good thirty of them; and he wanted them all in individual boxes.

This guy definitely had a grudge against me.

Lovely Problems (Seto Kaiba x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now