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Lauren's PoV

"Juliaaaaaaa" I shouted from my closed bathroom.

"I just brought you toilet paper yesterday, Lo. You can't be out again" she said, her voice growing louder as she neared my bathroom.

"No, not thaaat" I laughed, swinging the door open. "Which eye shadow? Dark and seductive?" I asked, gesturing to my left eye, "or natural and flirty" I said, displaying my right eyelid.

"Definitely natural and flirty" she said. "After all, this is a first date."

"Right" I said, "Wouldn't want to scare this Brian guy away."

Julia laughed and left the room as I took the makeup off my left eye and matched it to the right. I was already dressed, so now all that was left was for me to wait for Meredith to come get me so we could meet the guys.

Meredith's PoV

"Denise, does this top look okay?" I asked.

"Of course, he won't know what hit him" she said. "What's his name again?" she asked.

"Joey" I laughed. "Lauren's known him a while, he can't be that bad, right?" I was asking hypothetically, but seriously hoping I was right. I didn't want to waste my night on a dud of a date.

I finished getting ready and then left to pick up Lauren.

Joey's PoV

After a quick shower, I headed to pick up Brian so we could make our way to dinner. He was a good buddy of mine and I though him and Lauren might really get along.

I pulled up to his house and honked, figuring he'd get the hint and come out. It took him a couple minutes, but he eventually made his way to the car.

"Hey Joey, what's up" he asked, getting in.

"Not much, just hoping Lauren didn't pick out someone too awful for me."

"I'm sure it'll be fine man" Brian said. "The way you talk about Lauren, she doesn't seem the type to have ditsy, annoying friends."

"Yeah I guess you're right" I said. "I'm just glad I can finally get Lauren set up with someone, she broke up with Ryan ages ago, it's time for her to move on."

We quickly arrived at the restaurant and headed in. Lauren and Meredith were already seated at a table near the front, so we went to join them, me next to Meredith and Brian next to Lauren. They looked like they could be alright together.

Lauren's PoV

Brian was seeming like a nice enough guy, if I ignored the fact that he's said about 2 words to me and 2 million to Meredith.

"No way?! You went to UofM too??" Brian exclaimed, looking positively giddy as he flirted away with Meredith.

Joey and I glanced repeatedly across the table at each other, laughing at each of our miserably failed attempts to set the other up.

"At least it's working out for someone" Joey said to me. Brian and Meredith seemed completely unfazed by our conversation crossing theirs.

When we were finally able to interrupt the two love birds, we suggested getting the check and heading out

Lauren's PoV

"Man, I could really go for some ice cream right now" Meredith said as we left the restaurant.

"Sounds great to me!" Brian happily agreed.

We walked along awhile, and I was finally able to have a real conversation with Meredith again, now that she'd managed to peel herself away from Brian for a moment.

"So, things seem to be going well for you" I said, gesturing towards Brian.

"Oh, you don't mind, do you?" she asked, sounding concerned.

"Of course not" I said. "I found him a bit of a bore anyways."

She smiled wide and ran to Brian's side, wrapping her arm through his. They were cute. At least someone benefitted from tonight.

Joey fell back to walk next to me, leaving Brian and Meredith alone.

"Wasn't expecting that one" he said, looking at the pair in front of us.

"Yeah, me neither" I said. "They do look pretty alright together though."

We walked a little longer and I shivered as a cool breeze hit us.

"Do you want my jacket?" Joey offered.

"Oh, no, I'm fine. I wouldn't want you to be cold.

"Don't be silly, I've got long sleeves on. Here, take it" he said, holding the jacket out to me. I gratefully wrapped it around my shoulders.

As a result of Brian and Meredith getting along so well, Meredith quickly offered to take Brian home. She said she had plenty of room to take me too, but I was not trying to third wheel that love fest.

"I can take you home, Lo" Joey offered.

"That would be great" I said.

We dropped Meredith and Brian at her car and then walked to find Joey's. As we approached, he came around the passenger side and opened my door for me.

"How chivalrous" I said as he closed me in.

He offered to have me over for a movie, which I of course accepted, because who doesn't want to wallow in self-pity to the tune of a rom-com after a failed date.

About an hour into the movie, my eyelids were feeling very heavy. The last thing I remember, Jennifer Aniston was yelling at her on screen partner for picking up the wrong kid from daycare.

Joey's PoV

It had been awhile since Lauren and I had hung out, but I was having a great time. We were both laughing at the movie, but suddenly, her head fell heavy on my shoulder. I looked at her to see her completely asleep. Man was she cute.

I pulled the blanket that was at her feet to cover her and sat with her head rested on me until the movie was over. Once it finished, I slipped out from beside her and put a pillow under her head.

It was going on three in the morning and it was a 30 minute drive to her house. It would be way better to just let her crash on my couch than take her back home because I was pretty tired myself and didn't want to make that drive.

I got ready for bed and then got under the covers. I loved the feeling of being exhausted and finally getting into bed.

About 15 minutes later, just as I was about to fall asleep completely, I heard my bedroom door open and felt Lauren get under the covers.

"Lauren" I whispered. "Lauren, you're not at home, you know." Maybe she was sleep walking.

"Oh, just shut up and hold me, will you" she said. I was a little taken aback by her abruptness, but I quickly obliged, hugging her close to me. I wasn't about to ruin a good thing, a thing I had been hoping for for a while, so I just went with it and fell asleep with her in my arms.

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