The misplaced mixtape

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I had barely made any friends when I was a broad but I had made a few and the pictures we took together or of the year was the first thing to go up on my wall. When I had gotten to my new room yesterday night I had passed out before doing anything. I had time to decorate and make this room my room since summer vacation had just began.

I was going into 11th grade the coming school year at a new school, the school I went to before had gotten a bad reputation while I had been gone during 10th grade. So now that my parents see that school as unfit I will be attending the school Lucy had went to. The only up side to this is that I didn't have any friends at my old school so it didn't really matter and now Lucy wont be there so school will be bearable.

By the time 3 O' Clock rolled around I had decorated the walls, dresser and set up my bed the way I had wanted it. The last thing I had to do was unpack and put the clothes that I had left here in the closet. I walked over and opened the door, it seemed empty and had a decent space to it. I took a step in to see exactly how much space I have and saw a box in the corner that I hadn't seen before. Thinking that it was just a box full of my stuff I pulled it out and set it on my bed.

The box wasn't labelled and was taped shut. None of the other boxes were taped shut. So why was this one? Was there something fragile in there? I didn't have anything that was fragile though. I broke most of the stuff that was well breakable.

I carefully opened it and peeked inside, there was a huge paper that blocked any of the contents that were inside. I took the paper out and flipped it, there was a name: Aerial. A girl? I never knew a girl that had that name. Did Lucy? Was this her's? Am I going to burn it? Probably. Am I going to listen to it and look through this box first? Absolutly.

I had flinged the paper behind me cause its a piece of paper, I mean what am I going to do with it? Actually I could make a cool paper plane. I went to where it was and retrieved it to put it aside. I went to back to the box and looked in it. Ther was an enveloppe, a dying rose, some blank pages and a mixtape that had really caught my eye. I picked it up and turned it around and it confirmed my suspicions. In black maker it was written "Lucy Daniels Mixtape".

"Jay! Want to go get Ice cream?" I heard my dad yell.

I immediatly let go of the mixtape and ran upstairs, my dad handed me money and I ran out of the house. The cool thing about this town is that it had an old fashion dinner and I loved it and it was a short walk there. My dad always randomly gave me money and let me run and buy myself ice cream. Lucy always refused Ice cream, apparently she said it was just muffin tops waiting to happen and she was too lazy to burn off calories like I did. After Ice cream I go home and chase my dog around the yard a few times and then take a nap.

I got there and thankfully there wasnt a long line of people waiting. I scanned the tables and booths and saw that it was pretty busy so I decided that id get my ice cream and then get out. Because no offence but people are ew.

The worker behind the counter seemed my age, had black hair and hazel eyes and mocha colored skin. "Hey, beautiful." He winked. "What can I get you?" I cringed though he didnt seemed fazed by it. I was just going to ignore his flirting and order my ice cream then run out of here wich I hoped would hurt his ego.

I opened my mouth to order- there was a piercing shriek from behind me before I could. I wanted to cover my ears. A mesh of platnium blonde was in my vision and then I saw the girl slap the worker on the head. She shrieked again " Sam!" This girl seriously needed to learn an inside voice. I noticed people looking at us and I was immediatly uncomfortable and frozen in place.

The girl suddenly whipped her head to look at me. I got a good look at her then, her hair was short and styled in a wavy bob, she had dark brown eyes and had a pale complexion. She seemed to be the oppisite of me. I had black hair that went past my shoulders with bangs, blue eyes but I was also pale and had a nose ring.

"He was flirting with you wasnt he?! I need you to tell me, right now! I am not dating a flirt! I mean it, dammit, Sam I swear I will break up with you this time." She was screaming and whailing her arms around and the boy- Sam- seemed to be amused by this girl. I was about to sprint out of the dinner..... I wanted ice cream though.

The girl finally stopped screaming and looked at me looking like she was trying to intimidate me. "Well?" She huffed." Was he flirting or not?" I blinked a few times and to the people here I probably looked like a deer caught in headlights.

I looked at the boy and he gave me a curious look as to what I was going to say. "Uhm, I want a chocolate milkshake with whipcream and make that to go." I ordered.

The girl looked shocked. The boy was trying to hide a laugh.

"Thatll be five dollars and forty nine cents, please." He said seeming still to be amused. "Also would you like to add my friendship to your order." Sam added and the girls jaw dropped even more.

I gave him the money and replied almost instantly. "No thank you." He laughed.

When I was out of sight I pretty much ran fro those demons.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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