She's not my cup of tea

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Jay's POV

I had just gotten off the plane a while ago and had been standing in the middle of the airport until I spotted my parents, I thought I got lucky. My sister Lucy wasn't with them, she was nowhere in sight and as I was about to scream from joy, Satan herself appeared. I walked over to them, disappointed.

No one really noticed me, they were all conversing among themselves. About what? I don't know. I was standing behind them not saying anything because frankly talking isn't my strong suit. No one had really changed. My mom Lori was taller than me and kept her blonde hair in a ponytail and her baby blue eyes seemed bright with her tan skin. Dad was taller than everyone in the family, he was pale and had short brown hair that matched his eyes. Me and my sister were a mix of their features, Lucy had pale skin, blue eyes, short wavy blond hair, tall and had defined cheekbones like my dad. Me on the other hand was tan had dark eyes, dark hair, tan and short.

It was only when my dad moved to put his hand in his pocket that he elbowed me in the arm that they noticed me. "Holy Lord, Jay! How long have you been standing there, you scared me!" He yelled with a hand over his heart. I blinked a few times than shrugged.

"Well, I'm glad your home, kid. I cant wait to catch up when we get home. And your just in time to see your sister off. " He said while putting his arm around my shoulder and brought me in the circle so I wouldn't look excluded or just awkwardly standing behind them. My mom just smiled at me and I kept my face neutral. I was never really close to her more so my dad and like my mom I wasn't close to my sister- wait scratch that- I had never gotten along with Satan.

"There's fifteen minutes till your sister leaves and I'm parched so me and your dad are going to get coffee. We'll be back in a few.." And so I was left with her alone.

She smirked. "I guess its good timing, huh. I don't have to live with a brat like you instead I get to live in L.A living my best life." Lucy said smugly. I was the only one she treated this way and I never knew why I guess she just hated me.

"Well I see it this way when your broke and live on the streets mom and dad cant rescue you because you've never worked a day in your life and when you come back crying I'll laugh." Is what I wish I could've said. Instead I said this: " Hmm, that's nice." Her only response was to roll her eyes.

After five minutes of awkward silence, our parents came back and I retreated. I stole the car keys from my dads coat jacket and ran away, I hated her and crowds. So I realized two negatives should make a positive however life didn't work that way for antisocial me. No, it bit me in the ass. My dad chased me and took me back like I hadn't just ran away like a child.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" He asked on our way back.

"She's just not my cup of tea."

"Oh, honey. I've known you all your life.. No one is your cup of tea."

"Gee, dad.. Thanks for deciding my type of tea."

"I don't think you've been listening, you don't have tea to begin with."

I scoffed. "It can be a type of nothing."

He just laughed.


When we finally said our goodbyes to Lucy ( thank the gods) and went home. By the time we got home I just wanted to crash in my bed and sleep. Again. Life doesn't like me. I ran up the stairs and to the left and opened my door expecting white walls, with pictures scattered across them, my bed that I left a mess. Instead I found beige walls, no pictures and right where my bed was there was a desk with a computer and a chair. My room had been replaced. Mother of bananas...!


I rushed downstairs to see her siting on the couch. "Where's my room!?"

My mom looked at me, puzzled. After a few seconds my mother seemed to realize something. "Oh that's right, I forgot. Honey, your room's now my office." She said. It seemed like it was a completely normal thing for my mom to take over my room and leave me to sleep on the floor somewhere.

"So I leave for a year as an exchange student and you knew that I was coming back and you still went and got rid of my room!"

"Oh will you stop being dramatic. You can take Lucy's room in the basement while she's gone." She shrugged.

"Oh, really? Then where are all my clothes, my pictures, all the stuff that was in my room?!"

My dad, probably hearing the screaming, came into the room and looked at us. "What's wrong?"

"Dad-" I whined. "How could you let her get rid of my room?!"

His face softened and he chuckled. "Don't worry, sweetheart. We had this all planned out were renovating the house a little. Me and your moms room will be upstairs with the office and bathroom, were leaving this floor as it is, and the downstairs-since your sister moved out- will be your room and a guest bedroom for your sister and others."

"So her room is now mine? I can do whatever I want with it? And where's my stuff." I asked feeling a little better. Before he could answer my mom said:

"Oh now that your dads here your calm."

"Oh well he didn't make it seem like you were trying to get rid of me!" I rolled my eyes. Dad seemed to ignore both of our comments.

"Your stuff is all in your new room. And yes you can do whatever you want. So why don't you go check it out and relax."

"Fine," I mumbled. If there was one thing that I find that my sister left behind- I'm burning it.

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