Chapter 11: Innocently Sharing a Room

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"You should get some rest dear."

Mrs Brown picked at pieces of lint on the bed cover, pushed hair off Karen's face. After that, she stood up and picked up the tray.

"Good night, Lord Ravenscar."

"Good night," he said. "Thank you."

He waited for the older woman to leave before taking her place on a chair beside the bed.

"I'm sorry," Jay said quietly.

"For what? We should have made sure the faucets were closed, that's all."

"You could have broken more bones while Prado and I baked cookies."

Karen laughed and immediately regretted it.

Jay winced. "And because of me, you're hurt again."

"It's not your fault the faucets were open Jay... besides you're a lord, you're not used to taking care of people."

Self-disgust crossed his face. "You're the second woman to tell me that. And yet you sound more understanding than she did. And you shouldn't be! I do care about people- I'm not spoiled."

"I never said you were spoiled Jay Madison," Karen reassured him, a bit dismayed that she'd stung him. "Please don't be upset."

He looked up from his hands. "You understand, don't you? I don't consider myself one of those upper class citizens who feels no need to work. I'm actually used to taking care of myself."

She nodded.

"I reckon you work quite hard, Lord Madison."

At that, he laughed. "I'm not Lord Madison, love."

Karen frowned. "What?"

"I'm Lord Ravenscar. My name is Jay Madison but my title is Earl of Ravenscar, therefore I'm called Lord Ravenscar."

"I was wondering when Mrs Brown called you that."

He smiled and ran a hand through his hair. "Yes, that's what they call me. My parents are Lord and Lady Lyveden, the Marquis and Marchioness of Lyveden. My brother's just Lord Owen, lucky bastard."

"Oh," Karen groaned, "my head is reeling now."

"I'm sorry. It's just that not many of my friends actually take serious note of the title. Lord Madison is wholly derogatory nickname. Mrs Brown happened to reveal that I was an earl. I've been ribbed ever since."

"You poor dear."

"You're teasing me."

"I can't help it," she chuckled. "An earl, self-exiled to America, can't bear to reveal that he has a British title lest he intimidate plumbers into committing faux pas."

Karen yawned.

"Mrs Brown was right, you should go to sleep. I'll take the bedroom across the hall if you need me."

"Thank you for the bed, Lord Ravenscar."

He smiled and watched her snuggle into his covers.

"You don't know how enticing you make my bed look."

"Haha. I'd let you in but you might suffocate my dogs."

He gave her a small smile. "Good night, Karen."

"Night Jay."

Just before he left the room, she called out to him.


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