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A/N) Spoiler Warning!!

This Chapter does kind  of contain a little spoiler from Infinity War. It's not that big of a spoiler though (in my opinion) but I'm just warning you guy just in case any of you haven't seen the movie yet.

"How are you liking things in New York so far, kid?" Nat asks as the both of us sit down in the corner to a small and not so busy cafe.

It's a good thing that it's not busy for Nat's sake because it lowers the chances of her being seen and recognized by anyone. But she's wearing a black baseball cap and sunglasses to help her hide a little better.

Anyway, Nat and I decided to come here to get something to eat once we started to get hungry after we walked around and shopped for a couple hours. 

"I like it, my schools pretty cool and I enjoy the fact that if I'm in the mood for a sub I can just walk down the street and get it" I say.

"That is pretty nice, isn't it?" Nat asks with a little chuckle, making me smile at her as I nod my head. "So besides the fact that you like your new school, have you made any new friends there yet?"

"Yeah, a couple" I say with a smile as I think about Peter, Ned and Michelle.

"Yeah?" Nat asks with an excited smile as she leans on the table a little and takes off her sunglasses.

"Yeah and one of them actually lives down the hall from me and mom" I say.

"That's this friend a boy? And is he cute?" Nat asks with a playful smirk.

Even though I know she's just joking with me because she always likes to joke around with questions like that whenever I tell her I made a new friend, just so she can see if it's a boy and if I like him or not. That's never really happened before because all the guys who I've become friends with, I just wanted to have as friends. But Peter is completely different store.

I feel my face turn a little red as I give Nat a sheepish look. Nat's eyes immediately grow wide and a big smile tugs at her lips as she looks at me.

"So this new friend is a boy and does little miss Brooklyn have a crush on him?" Nat asks with an excited tone and bigger smile.

"No..." I say as I shake my head, but I smile a little and feel my face turn a little more red because I'm a terrible liar.

"You're a terrible liar, you know that right?" Nat asks with a smile.

"I know, but even if I wasn't I doubt I would be able to keep that information from you considering you're a super spy who makes it her business to know everything" I say playfully, but I whisper the last part.

"Hey, sometimes that can be a good thing, especially when it means you can protect people with the information you know" Nat says.

I smile at Nat and still feel proud that I have the Black Widow as my technical Aunt.

"I won't ask much about this subject though because I don't want to annoy you with a ton of questions and you probably don't want to talk about this just yet, but I will ask this boy nice?" Nat asks.

"Yes, he's very nice and he actually helped me out a lot on my first day of school" I say.

"Yeah?" Nat asks.

"Mhm, he showed me around the school, helped me find my classes and helped me in some of my classes too because we actually have a few classes together" I say.

"He sounds like a very nice guy" Nat says with a smile. "But if he hurts your feelings or in any way, tell me and I'll teach him a little lesson."

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