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"I can't believe I blew it with Adrien, again."

 Marinette sighed, plopping down onto her bed. Her secret crush Adrien Agreste had been too busy with a photoshoot to hangout with Marinette today, which practically destroyed her. Tikki, her ladybug-like kwami, flew out of the teenager's purse and sat on her chest. 

"Oh Marinette, why are you so upset? You've tried for two years now, and you always chicken out!"

Marinette groaned. 

"Oh Tikki, you don't understand. This time, I had everything planned. But no, his father wouldn't allow him out of his house, even for a second! Why doesn't anything ever go my way..." She whimpered. 

The small creature tapped her foot. She had to at least attempt to help her friend. Tikki then smiled. 

"How about you go out as Ladybug? That always cheers you up." 

Marinette shook her head, fighting back tears. 

"I don't need to. I only use my powers for good, not for my well being." 

Tikki rolled her tiny blue eyes. Marinette was being rather dramatic. She flew away, not seeing any other way she could help out. Marinette wiped her eyes, and sat up. 

"I think I just need a walk..."

Aaaaand that's it for this chapter. Sorry it's so short, I will definitely make the next ones longer in the future. Hope you enjoyed!

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