~Dark Link x Reader: Dark Pleasure~

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-Scenery: Gerudo Desert. Time: Night time-

Link: I'll keep watch tonight first if you wanna rest your eyes, Y/N

Y/N: No, it's fine, if anything you've been in need of some rest more than I have. I'll wake you once the sun starts rising again, okay?

Link: But that's not for 4 more hours! I really think--

(You placed your finger on Link's pink lips. You basically had to force this guy when it came to relaxing)

Y/N: Go get some sleep. If I need you, I'll come get you, okay?

(You made it clear, while looking into his blue eyes, that you weren't going to change your mind on this. Eventually the handsome hylian gave in and nodded)

Link: Jeez Y/N, you sure are pushy

Y/N: I have to be if it means you relaxing for once. Now go

(His raised his hands up and chuckled)

Link: Okay, okay

(Finally Link made his way down the ladder. Once at the bottom, he waved up to you before entering the clay built home)

(As happy as you were that he would be taking care of himself, you were also a bit sad because it wasn't often you got to spend time with Link alone)

(The two of you were only partners, but it seemed like it was becoming more from that time in the castle training grounds when you both shared a long kiss)

(Your cheeks became hot as you replayed the amazing event and in a way, you wished to climb down this ladder and join Link in the small and empty home)

(But you and Link were sent here on a mission. There had a been a lot of kidnapping from the yiga clan between the two pathways and it was your job to keep an eye out for any 'suspicious' characters)

(If it were one thing yigas were known for, it was blending in. For all we know, there could be on in Gerudo Town right now disguised as a guard or a simple gerudo woman, but that was for the warriors to know and handle. Mine and Link's job was to watch the outside)

-2 Hours In-

(You used the binoculars that Purah had recently invented to look around the area. There wasn't much going on. I mean, yeah, sure there was illegal trading and some sort of prostitute that was HIGHLY looked down upon in the gerudo nation, but it was nothing out of the ordinary)

(You removed the binoculars for a quick second and rubbed your tired eyes. It would be two more hours before Link awoke and allowed you to rest, but thinking of his sleeping face only made you smile)

(You let out a yawn before looking back at the quiet and cool desert. You shivered as your eyes went across the land for you were only wearing the gerudo vai outfit, which really didn't leave much to the imagination. Sure you couldn't SEE the color of your nipples, but they were as hard as a goron's back)

(You had to consistently push them so they didn't stick out, but your mind quickly went from your nipples over to a mysterious black figure in the distance)

(You squint your eyes trying to make out the figure and who it could be at 3am in the desert, let alone without the proper gear)

(You place your binoculars back up and stared long and hard at the black figure. They weren't doing anything. Just standing there and looking up at the sky. A yiga member perhaps?)

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