"He was talking about finding something new, a game-changer." Tony continued explaining. "It was all very Ahab."

"This?" Thor pointed to a tattoo that a picture had captured. Tony looked over to see what he was looking at.

"Ah, it's a tattoo, I don't think he had it." Tony denied. Thor shook his head.

"Those are tattoos." He pointed to one on his forearm and one near his collar bones. He then directed everyone's gaze to the picture below it, dragging his finger down the paper. "This is a brand."

Beeping came from the computer Bruce was sitting at. "Oh, yeah. It's a word in an African dialect meaning 'thief.'" The beeping from text popping up continued as he spoke. "In a much less friendly way."

"What dialect?" Steve asked.

"Wakanada," he stammered a bit, realising his mistake.

"Wakanda." Riley corrected him. Steve looked at Tony, both having the same expression on their face.

"If this guy got out of Wakanda with some of their trade goods..." Tony began.

"I thought your gather said he got the last of it." Steve protested.

"I don't follow. What comes out of Wakanda?" Bruce asked, confused.

"The strongest metal on Earth." Tony answered simply. The group looked over to where Steve's shield was as Clint walked away from the stairs where he was sitting to flick through files.

"Where is this guy now?" Steve turned his attention back to the billionaire. Tony directed his attention towards Steve as he spoke.


The group was on the Quinjet, heading to a salvage yard at the African Coast, Riley deciding to come with as it could help them make up their mind of helping with bigger battles. Everyone was preparing to face Ultron once again, preparing their suits and their weapons.

"Here," Natasha handed them a gun, "you know how to shoot, right?"

"Learnt from the best," they smiled, taking the gun from her hand. "So you and Bruce, huh?"

"So you and Thor, huh?" She redhead bit back playfully, sitting down next to her friend.

"You say that like you haven't known for ages," they laughed. Natasha dryly laughed along , stretching her legs to keep loose. "Stop trying to change the topic. Tell me what's happening with you and Banner."

"Well, you know how he is," she said in a hushed voice, "Shy, nervous, constantly avoiding things."

"And you, off all people, fell in love with him."

"I wouldn't say love, I just..." Natasha tried to find the words, "appreciate him for who he is more than others typically would."

"Wow, that's a complicated way of saying you have a crush on someone,"Riley quirked an eyebrow, the ends of their lips turning slightly. Natasha nudged them with her elbow playfully, causing the two to laugh.

"Enough chatter you two," Steve told them as he walked by, "we're here." Riley's small smile faded, the realisation of what they've gotten themself into finally sinking in. They took a deep breath in as they stood up. They fixed up their makeshift suit that they quickly threw together before the team headed out.

The quinjet landed and everyone got out when the door opened up. As Thor walked onto the ground, he noticed Riley's heavy breathing and them looking around quickly. He placed his free hand on their shoulder, making them look up to face him.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah... yeah, I'll be fine." They nodded, taking another deep breath in between their sentence

"Good, because you're going to have to keep up with me," he grinned, putting his arm back down beside him, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. Riley rolled their eyes.

"Don't flatter yourself too much," Riley scolded him, "soon you'll have to be sharing that hammer." Thor chuckled as the group made their way over to where Ultron was, ready to fight the mechanical villain once again.

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