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It had been awhile since the battle in Sokovia and it hadn't been an easy journey as everyone had to adapt to the massive change that was the new Avengers Facility. The massive, high-tech building was beautifully crafted with spaces to accommodate everyone's needs.

Riley loved the change and continued to admire the architecture as they stood with Natasha in the middle of a large hallway. The small smile on their face hadn't disappeared all day.

Riley continued to look out the large window that replaced the wall as the soothing chime of Natasha's phone echoed in the empty room, followed by the giggle of a baby. Their attention was now diverted to the phone screen which allowed them to see a video of Clint's new baby.

"Aww, he's a cutesy," Riley cooed to nobody in particular as they continued to watch the video of the young child roll around on his back as his parents entertained him.

"Fat," Natasha said, gaining a small chuckle from Riley, before putting her phone away.

"One of our tech boys flagged this," the sudden appearance of Nick Fury's making Riley jolt every so slightly, "Splashed down in the Banda Sea. Could be the Quinjet. But with Stark's stealth tech, we still can't track the damn thing."

Natasha's eyes were full of disappointment. Her shoulders were now slouched slightly, contrasting with their perked up reaction before to the potential news of Bruce being tracked. Nobody has been able to locate the jet he left on during the battle. "Right," the redhead responded, her voice smacking you in the face with the blatant sadness that lingered in her tone.

"Probably jumped out and swam to Fiji. He'll send a postcard," Nick started to walk away.

"Wish you were here," Riley joked along with Fury as Natasha's smile dwindled away in her silent realisation. She looked up to Fury's newly leaving figure.

"You sent me to recruit him way back when," she reminded him, "Did you know then what was gonna happen?" Nick turned on his heel to slowly walk back to Natasha to answer her question.

"You never know," he said, "You hope for the best, then make do with what you get. I got a great team."

"Nothing lasts forever," Natasha replied.

"Trouble, Ms. Romanoff. No matter who wins or loses, trouble still comes around," Fury explained to her as he finally started to walk away once again. Natasha crossed her arms over her chest.

"Hey, I think you should go say goodbye to Thor before her leaves," Natasha suggested to her friend who stood next to her, causing them to perk up.

"Oh shit, you're right," they panicked, "thanks for reminding me." Riley nodded politely at Natasha before running off to see Thor before leaving. They turned around corners and swiftly trod down the multiple flights of stairs that were scattered all over the facility.

Riley heard the infamous sound of Tony's witty banter as they ran down another corridor that lead to the beautiful green grass. Following the sound of his voice lead them to find Steve, Tony, and Thor outside.

"Ah, Loftin," Tony greeted Riley as the sound of their boots skidding across the gravel alerted the two of the men to look behind them. Riley ignored the billionaire internally as their eyes landed in Thor.

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