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After a few seconds, the sides of the jet opened out to reveal smaller shops that the civilians could safely get on and be transported back down to the ground.

Pietro sped over to where the three were standing, his face showing how amazed he was. "This is S.H.I.E.L.D. ?" He questioned.

"This is what S.H.I.E.L.D is suppose to be," Steve told him, his voice lingering with audible pride.

"This is not so bad," Pietro chuckled as the ships as he continued to watch the ships fly over to the edge of the flying rock.

"Let's load them up," Steve ordered as he began to run to get all the civilians onto the ships. Without missing a beat, they all ran off to get everyone out of the buildings; Riley headed right whilst they others headed left, deciding it'd be better to split up. They swiftly made their way to a nearby building (that looked to be a café) and ordered everyone to follow them. They were all hesitant at first, but all got out of the building and followed Riley.

The group that Riley was leading made their way to ships, eventually merging with the other large groups of people coming out of all other buildings. Riley continued to run towards the ship with the others to help the assigned people to monitor the amount of people going on each ship.

"Let's go, come on," Riley encouraged the civilians to hurry onto the ships. They encouraged everyone in many ways; waving their eyes, shouting variants of 'come on' at them, and clapping to make it clear that the ship was free. When the ship was full, they continued to encourage the people that got in, saying things like 'well done' and 'you're all going to be okay' to make sure they all felt safe.

They rapidly moved to the next closest ship to help get everyone onboard safely. It was still difficult to get everyone on board the smaller ships in a timely manner due to everyone wanting to get back down to the ground as soon as possible.

As soon as Riley finished with that ship, the decided that it'd be best if they help the crowds find their way to ships instead of only helping out by the ships; they never stay in one place for too long. During this journey from one area to another, Tony spoke over the earpiece, announcing, "Thor, I've got a plan."

"We're out of time," the comforting sound of Thor's booming voice flew though Riley's ears as they skidded to a halt at the sudden news Thor gave out to his team. "They're coming for the core."

"Rhodey, get the rest of the people on board in that carrier," Tony swiftly ordered his close friend, receiving an automatic response from him, before continuing, "Avengers, time to work for living."

Fortunately, Riley was close enough to the core for them to run to without waisting any time. The stone covered ground beneath them crunched and scrapped as their boots quickly dragged across the dusty floor in swift motions. The occasional need to hop over toppled over chunks of architecture ceased the sound of Riley running (and was replaced with the grunt that Riley let out) for a brief moment before resuming again once their feet reached the ground.

The new Avenger made it to the core relatively quickly, being able to see Steve run into the tragically ruined building moments prior to Riley rounding the last corner on their path. Now that their sprint to the area was complete, they had a few moments to catch their breath and collect their thoughts before the eventual fight.

"Loftin," Clint called out for Riley's attention so he could throw a weapon similar to a baton with elements of Natasha's weapon, "It'll be more useful than a gun." Riley looked over the weapon as it extended out to a longer weapon that looked like a staff. It unlocked a recent memory of them using it whilst training with Natasha. Riley thanked Clint was a friendly nod as they perked up at the sound of Tony speaking.

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