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"The vibranium core's got a magnetic field," Friday spoke through everyone's earpiece, "That's what's keeping the rock together."

"If it drops?" Tony ask his A.I. How fearful voice rang through the whole team's ears and, from the tone, they all knew he was stumped for a plan.

Riley was dashing across streets as the whole explanation went through their earpiece, shooting at the evil machines that Ultron had crafted to attack. From battling dozens of these vibranium beasts, the new Avenger found that they all had shared weak-points that Riley could easily target to get the bots offline.

From the earpieces, F.R.I.D.A.Y could be heard once more, "Right now, the impact will kill thousands. Once it gets high enough? Global extinction." The highly A.I surly didn't sugarcoat things; she was straight to the point. Nobody spoke after this answer like you'd expect as the news was shocking. Riley's face contorted out of habit as multiple intrusive thoughts rushed through their already full brain.

The habit of overthinking to the point of a panic attack is one that Riley has always had. When they were a young child, they would cower in fear in their father's arms when their mum went off to work all because Riley had let their thoughts run wild with outrageous scenarios that their mother might get herself into. The infamous overthinker has been reminded over and over again that these thoughts aren't going to happen but that never seemed to help. No matter how much reassurance they got, they always seemed to end up in the same vulnerable state of pure fear that they've always seemed to fall back into.     

With once more bullet through its mechanical skull, one more bot could be added to Riley's tally of wins as its blue light faded away like all the others. This area was now swept clean with enemies thanks to Riley powering through them all, allowing them to now head over to the large where Steve was fighting. "All clear where I am," they told their team through the earpiece as they ran off.

All this sprinting they had been doing made them extremely out of breath. Although Riley had been training with Natasha for months now, they still struggled to maintain their energy whilst running, always sprinting at full speed as soon as they needed to get somewhere quickly.

"Cap, you got incoming," Tony warned his star-spangled teammate through their earpiece. A grunt came from Steve's side of the communication device as a clank echoed along side with the sound coming from his mouth.

"Incoming already came in," Steve snapped back at Tony as his voice strained with pain. Another defeated and tired sigh came from the Captain as he attempted to get up. "Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job, tear these things apart."

Riley couldn't take it anymore, they had to take a break from running. They stopped at small alleyway that allowed pedestrians to cross to the opposite street, only to see the silver-hair twin holding his side as he desperately tried to catch his breath. Steve finished his orders, "You get hurt, hurt them back. You get killed, walk it off." With a high pitched whistle escaping from Riley's lips, Pietro's attention was now locked on his teammate.

"D'You think you can give me a lift over to the bridge?" They asked the twin possessed with super speed whilst also being out of breath. He contemplated for a moment, choosing if he should stick to his cocky persona or not. He finally caved.

"Fine," he spoke, "come on." The young adult squatted down slightly to allow Riley to get on his back. Awkwardly, they hoisted themself onto the twin's back as he got out of the squatting position. "I should warn you about the side effects of my speed..." Riley waited for him to finish his sentence, desperate to know if they'd be safe from this, "...but I don't feel like it."

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