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Fact number #26


No shit Sherlock! However, I still can't believe that some retarded people (I can't call them otherwise) said that the things around Gaara's eyes were actually mascara, when it was obvious that they were dark circles, not mascara!-

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No shit Sherlock! However, I still can't believe that some retarded people (I can't call them otherwise) said that the things around Gaara's eyes were actually mascara, when it was obvious that they were dark circles, not mascara!-.-


Gaara a suferit de insomnie deoarece daca adormea,Shukaku ar fi preluat controlul asupra personalitatii sale.

No shit Sherlock!Totusi nu-mi vine sa cred cum de unii retardati (n-am cum sa-i numesc altfel) spuneau ca chestiile din jurul ochilor lui Gaara erau defapt mascara,cand era evident ca erau cearcane,nu mascara!-.-

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