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Hia!! This is my first story so please watch out for the cringe moments,  bad grammar and wrong punctuation.

Please swash the vote button,  I would really appreciate it so much. Now.... On with the summary.



Okay,  I admit it I'm in love with my best friend Gavin. No, it's not just a school girl crush,  I have loved him for 3 years now and it has been painful watching him flirt and kiss other girls. We promised not to get intimate with eachother that's why I haven't told him about my feelings yet.

But today is the day that fate decides whether or not Gavin loves me or not.

Today is my 16th birthday and my family is throwing a huge birthday bash for me. I am what you may call the 'families trophy'. I am the last child of Mr and Mrs.Anderson aka my mom and dad which kind of makes them feel the need to protect me from the dangers of this world. Not my words. I am not aloud to wash dishes, cook food, go out without a body guard or get a job, so basically I'm living under a rock. My parents are super rich to the point where they own two towns and have tons of houses in each continent.

I brush my long brown hair out of my face making it fall in small waves. I put on a little mascara and a tint of cherry lip gloss. I put on my red high low dress which had lace at the top. I put on my 6 inch heels, my poor feet.

I opened my bedroom door only to be greeted by tons of friends and relatives but my eyes only landed on one person. My love and my bestfriend. Gavin gave me a boyish smile showing off his pearly white teeth. I think I'm gonna melt. Someone hold me.

I was escorted down the stairs by Henry my butler who practically brought me up. "Miss Anderson,  your quite the gem this evening." Henry complimented in his English accent making me giggle. "Thank you Henry".

When we reached the bottom I was engulfed with hugs and trust me when I say it wasn't easy having tons of compliments thrown my way.  I even told aunt Gina happy birthday instead of thank you, ugg, I'm such a mess.

Gavin came my way with open arms engulfing me with a warm hug. I swear I almost heard his heart skip a beat when I gave him a kiss on his cheek. But t could be me and my little fantasies. 

"Eva, you look like a supermodel. Want a drink?" He asked tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. The small gesture made fireworks erupt within my body,  the things this boy does to me.

"Yes please but nothing alcoholic, my parents are here and I don't want to look like an ass in front of the guests." I said smiling lightly.

"Yea, sure okay." With that he left and I went to dance with my older brothers. I have two. Jackson and Peter, and I adore them to the max.

Twenty minutes later

Where is Gavin. Every one is leaving and I can't find him anywhere. The motherfucker left me.

I stop In front my mom who was talking with dad. "Mom, dad have you seen Gavin anywhere?" I ask ready to confess my crush on Gavin.

"Uh yes, he went upstairs." Dad said.  I thanked mom and dad and ran upstairs barefoot since I took of my heels a while ago. Geez what a relief.

I got upstairs and opened up the guest bedroom only to be met with my naked cousin on top my lover and bestfriend Gavin who is moaning wildly plunging in and out of her. My heart stopped. Literally.

Silent tears raced down my face smearing my mascara. I probably look like the definition of heartbroken. A loud sob shook the room making the two jump away from eachother staring at me in horror.

"Eva I-."

"It's not what you think-."

"Please don't cry." Gavin begged putting on his clothes and my cousin Ella followed suit.

I was unable to function properly. I ran downstairs fracturing my ankle In the process. I sat and cried. Mom, dad, and my brothers ran towards me.  And I finally managed to get it out. "Mom, I'm leaving with you for L.A tomorrow.

This is the story of how I fell in love with my best friend.


Evaline Anderson

CAST:Evaline Anderson

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Gavin Herald 


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Hi I hope you enjoyed it like I did when I wrote it.  Remember to follow me and I will follow you back and smash the vote button.

Bye .😘❤💖

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