“He’s in his office, don’t talk back and make sure you have a good reason.” My mother gave my hand a hopeful squeezed and I faked a smile. I walked up the stairs and past the large windows, to the floor my dad’s office was. I was meant to be at his stupid meeting because he was ‘closing a deal’ or whatever. But I didn’t see why it was so important. He also said something about ‘life style’ and the meeting would help me change mine.

I’d reached the vast wooden doors and mumbling came from inside. I gave a confident knock and opened it. I don’t wait for replies, I just walk in. And I knew my dad was angry so this was testing his patience.

I looked inside to see my father hand documents to his secretary, Alison.  My dad saw me, he gave Alison a nod and she brushed passed my by the door, giving a smirk on her way out.

“Nathaniel” he said and I snapped back to reality. His voice boomed around his office and I shut the door.

“Sit” he commanded and after a few seconds, I did so.

He was shuffling papers at his desk, ignoring me for now I suppose. His glasses sat at the edge of his nose, and his cold grey eyes looked up to meet my blue ones.

“You had a meeting today.” He said in such a cool manner that was frightening.

“Yes, but-“

“SILENCE!” He bellowed and the office literally shook. He now stood up, towering over me, his grey eyes in rage and his vein in his head about to pop. But I kept cool.

“You had a meeting today with the Benson company and you did not show up.”

“But why was it important for me to be there?”

Looked like I’d hit a nerve judging by his glare.

“We made a deal with the Benson Company, that would make us millions and more. This project is huge and I just manage to persuade them to work with us.”

“That’s great, so you didn’t need me after all.” I said smiling, but it was no laughing matter. His grey eyes bore onto mine and I looked down at my shoes.

“You had to be there, because Alexander Benson has a daughter your age.”

I’m sure I knew where this was going, and I’d tried avoiding it, but it’s no use now. I shrugged my shoulders and played with my Rolex.

“Astrid Benson. You are to be betrothed to her.” He said, without looking at me. He didn’t seem to care. Was this deal so important that he agreed to have their daughter married to me?

I shot up from my seat, nearly knocking it back. “I refuse to marry her.” I said and there was that glare. A questioning glare.

“You refuse to marry her?” He repeated, taking his glasses off and now fully staring at me.

“Yes, just because you want this deal really badly, I’m not marrying their daughter.”

“You foolish boy, you marrying their daughter has nothing to do with the deal. Alexander Benson and I thought it’s to tame you, marriage would tame you. So he kindly thought his daughter would be the suitable wife for you.” He explained in a dull voice.

“What? No, I don’t want to marry April or whatever her name is. You can’t decide for me, father.”

“Oh can’t I? How will you manage to find a good wife? You’ve proved to make the worst decisions.”

For a few moments, we exchanged looks, trying to read each others expressions, but reading my father expression was more than impossible. He showed no emotions, he was good at hiding them, which made him best at making business deals without portrayng nervousness.

“Fine” he said and broke the deadly silence between us. “You can choose your wife, you have to find a wife that is right for you, that respects you, and loves you. Or you’ll have to marry Astrid, I’ll give you a week.”

I was starting to feel hopeful that my dad would let me find someone myself, but in a week? He was joking, right? Finding someone took years. Especially someone to settle down with for the rest of your life. I shuddered at the thought. I always dated girls, one night stands, but spend my whole life with one. Bloody hell.

“Fine. A week.” I turned to leave the office when his voiced called out. “And you’ll be visiting Rosehill Academy on Friday with me. No excuses, the driver and I will pick you up.” I sighed and left. I didn’t want to visit stupid Rosehill Academy.


-Isabelle Quinn-

“It’s not straight! A little higher” shouted Ruby over the crowds chatter. I groaned and went on my tip toes, trying to make myself taller. Ruby Daniels was this girl with dark brown hair, hazel eyes and an innocent smile. But she was really a mean, freakish, jerk who was nothing but a bully. She was leader of this Posh Little gang of hers who thought that people like me didn’t belong at schools like this. So this was her highlight of the day, to order me around while putting up a banner for the Friday Night Summer Party.

“ISABELLE! Concentrate and lift your side higher” she roared.

I frowned and saw her pathetic face grin in satisfaction. I lifted the banner higher in fury, but I’d moved too fast and the ladder jerked. Me and the banner, clutched in my hands, ended up a bundle on the floor. Laughter erupted and I saw faces upon faces looking down at me.

Ruby crouched down next to me, her hazel eyes looking into my blue ones. She grinned , her face turning evil and malicious. She was enjoying this, my humiliation.

“I think, you better leave this to me Isabelle.”

More laughing, of course, everyone found her funny.

“Hmm, yes you’re right, maybe you better get up there, it’s your turn to fall off so I can have a laugh.”

Her grin faded and she stood up straight, looking down at me like some filth. Of course I was still on the floor, and getting up hadn’t crossed my mind. I jolted up onto my feet and brushed of the dirt from my dress.

“Unlike clumsy wannabes like you, I won’t fall over. I know what I’m doing.” She said with her hands on her hips, her gang surrounding her. I better leave now.

“It’s all yours, bye”

I grabbed my tatty bag from the floor, turned to see a few eyes still on me, so I picked up the pace and went round the corner, not stopping till I got to the girls toilets.

I shut my cubicle door, leaned on it and took a deep breath. Now I really didn’t want to go to the Friday Night Party. Ruby would humiliate me.


Hoped you liked my story. I know it seems a little boring, but the interesting parts are coming! 

Also I'm still deciding who Nathan should be. Either Chris Hemsworth or Alex Pettyfer or someone else. Any suggestions who Nathan should be?!

Please vote and comment! I want to know what you thought! Thanks guyss!

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