Arc 10, Chapter 14

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The Brother

“Victor,” Seraph whispered, standing at the doorway. His hair was still wet from his shower, falling flat against his shoulders in limp curls.

He slid off his shoes, careful not to disturb the sleeping forms of the adults. He approached the bunk Victor had been placed in earlier that day, a plate of cold food in his hands. He had been planning to grab scraps for Victor, but Matthew had forfeited his entire meal to him.

“Victor,” he reiterated, kneeling down, “You slept through dinner. I supposed you might have been hungry.”

Seraph gasped as his hands touched empty sheets. Victor wasn't there.

Gritting his teeth, Seraph sat down the tray, rushing into the hallway. The guild was dark, with the exception of light spilling out at the end of the hallway. Light on his feet, he pressed his back to the wall, turning his head just enough to peek inside.

Victor was on his knees, spellbook cradled in his lap. He sat in the midst of a rune circle, fists clenched tight as sweat dripped down his face.

“I can't mess this up again,” Victor muttered under his breath, arching his back as he flipped through his book.

Magic sparked across the runes, popping and sizzling out. Victor pounded his fists against the floor, quivering as he urged more energy from his body, small embers of blue fire flashing but quickly dying.

“I'm almost there…” Victor said, lurching forward, veins bulging on his forehead from strain. Seraph’s temples throbbed, Victor’s emotions bleeding over into his own mind.

“Victor!” Seraph shouted, stepping into the room, eyes wide.

Victor flinched, twisting around to face Seraph, the color draining from his cheeks.

“What are you doing?” Seraph said, lowering his voice.

“I had to try again, Seraph,” Victor rasped, staring up from a shivering heap on the floor, “I had to make it work.”

Seraph’s palms were hot, a cold, worried sweat on his face. He took a breath to steady himself, biting his lip. “Brother, you were unable to perform the spell earlier. Why do you think you can do it now? You have already been weakened.”

Fear flickered across Victor’s eyes, a brief but raw expression. He was silent, shoulders trembling as he fought to form words.

“If you…” Seraph swallowed a lump in his throat, “If you keep doing this, you will kill yourself. Please tell me what is wrong, Victor.”

“I’m fine,” Victor said through grit teeth, pulling himself onto his feet. He took a hesitant step, only to sway and fall forward.

Seraph grabbed him by the chest, letting Victor slump onto his shoulder. Seraph held him steady, feeling his fevered skin against his face. Victor was dead weight as Seraph pulled him towards the barracks, too exhausted to fight back.

Seraph couldn't help but to let his frown fall further. After Matthew had ignored him during dinner, he had hoped to get a few words of encouragement from his brother, but now it seemed even Victor was giving him the cold shoulder.

Hoisting him by the arms, Seraph lowered Victor into bed, crawling beside him. Victor was already unconscious, his sleep doing nothing to aid the tension in his jaw.

Seraph rested his hands on his stomach, eyes wandering to the ceiling.

“Sleep well, brother.”

Author's Note- poor seraph baby 😭😭

had a bit of a rough time writing today but i think im fine aha,,

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