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The next day, I awake to birds singing and chirping.

"Oh, great," I think. Someone cheery. Just what I need.

Just then, the nurse from yesterday came in.

"Good morning," she tells us.

I sit up straighter. I run my fingers through my hair and tuck a few strands back into my ponytail. Apparently, I was oblivious yesterday because looking right at me is the finest girl I've ever seen. Her hair is black silk, pulled into a bun. Round face, olive skin, cute freckles.

"Good morning..." I mutter.

She gives me a strange look. I feel my cheeks burn.

"I'm Nurse Joy. Breakfast will be here shortly. Henry, Doctor Jones will be here later this afternoon to talk about your procedure."

What procedure? I wonder. Nurse Joy leaves.

"Kid, yer crush'n so hard on that girl, ain't ya?" My face burns more.

"None of your business," I say turning to face the other wall away from him.

"Ah, young love." He says. "I was married once, ya know. Most beautiful woman yer ever saw. But she's gone now of course, like everything else..."

I look back at him. Henry's gaze is unfocused as if he's remembering something.

Thinking back to yesterday, I remind him.

"Hey, didn't you say you were going to tell me something about why I should care?"

His eyes refocus, and I could be wrong but I think I might see tears in them.

"Ya kid. I'ma tell ya a story so ya learn to be smart and not make stupid decisions. Like me."

I'm confused by his last comment but listen.

"Okay, how to start, where to start...." Henry says. "Ya know how I said I was married, right? Her name is Lesley. As a teen about your age, what 17?" he asks.

"19," I correct him.

"Ya, 'bout that old," Henry continues. "I liked to do stunts. Ya know. Bike tricks, jumping from one building to the next climbing high places without any nets or ropes. Those sort o' things. Sure, it scared my parents half to death. Well, it caught Lesley's attention. She thought it was cool at the time."

"When we got older we started dating and eventually got married. I don't think Lesley's parents ever liked me. They thought I was too rough and reckless. They'd be right of course.

"Lesley and I got a house, and I started working in construction 'cause I didn't care about school enough to get a better job. Lesley was working to finish a med school degree. Probably to work at this very hospital."

"A year or so later, our daughter was born. Sweetest baby I ever saw. Was just as beautiful as her mother." He sighs.

I wonder where this story is going.

"We named her Ashely. Ironic really," Henry says and a tear slips down his cheek.

I'm confused but let him continue.

"By the time my little Ash started to grow up, I already had many scars, from my stunts and from my construction work."

I let out a small gasp. I didn't expect him to mention the scars, thinking they are a sensitive topic. I am curious, of course.

Henry notices my shock.

"Yah, I mentioned the scars. Now, ya should consider yerself lucky. Very few people get to hear my story. Only you really."

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