"Come on Niall. This man, is practically using you for your money. Come on lad, give me an amount" he explained, as he glared at Harry. 

"What?!" Harry was shocked by the accusation. "I don't need money." 

Bobby let out a laugh, "Come on son. Everyone needs money. How much would it cost me to make you disappear."  

"Dad! He is just a...co-worker. Nothing else, he was helping me back at the vineyard. Zayn is on vacation and I need an assistant" explained Niall, his voice was trembling.

Harry felt hurt when Niall said he was just a co-worker. The blonde man send him a sorry look. Harry clearly understood what the hell was going on.

The man laughed and folded the check book and tucked it back into his pocket. "Well then. We always need extra help around." 

"Is it true Harry. Are you Niall's assistant?" asked Bobby sternly. 

Harry gulped, everything that this man does was intimidating to him. If Harry could crack under Bobby's gaze he would. 

"Yes Sir" he replied. 

"Well, that was unfortunate. Anyways, your mother wants you back home immediately. She was bugging me all week, she practically threw a pan on my head. Can you imagine that, one of the most powerful man in the business world, scared of his wife. Tale as old as time."

"I have a jet ready to take you back home. You should come too Harry" said Bobby looking at Harry's direction. 

"Alright sir."


They got back to the hotel and though Harry wanted some alone time with Niall he couldn't because Bobby was tagging along his son. He was surprised that the hotel where he stayed at was owned by Bobby. Niall and himself went seperate ways. Harry needed to pack fast, Bobby didn't look like a man who was playing when he said 'be at the lobby in thirty minutes'. Harry had to scramble to get all his stuff onto his luggage. 

In a few minutes Harry was back down at the hotel with his luggage in tow. He met Niall and Bobby over at the corner on the table with a laptop in front of them. Niall typing furiously while Bobby looked on behind him. 

This had got to be the wierdest family ever. 

"Guys, I'm here" muttered Harry. 

The two stopped typing and starred at the curly lad in front of him. Harry was taken aback by how blue their eyes were. Niall was deep and bright blue while his dad's was cold and icy. 

"Come on you two, the jet is leaving in an hour" said Bobby. 

"Where are we going?" whispered Harry to Niall. 

"Young man, I would appriciate it if you don't mumble and speak clearly and loudly" scolded Bobby. 

The Baker and The BillionaireTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon