Chapter 16.

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Bella stared in amazement, at the older man that stood before her. It was like looking into a mirror and seeing herself, only a male version. Bella never owned a mirror in her life, so she wasn't too sure if she did resemble her late mother, Elsa McFallon.

"Are? Are you really my father, sir? And if you are, why are you demanding Cambryn to abandon me, into your care, when I could easily be safe with him? Why must I go with you? And if I must leave the McKladdon Keep, and enter into yours, I would still fear for my children. Before I leave you, sir, Can I bring my babies along?"

Tearlach gasped and whipped his head back to stare at Cambryn.

"What? Babies? Why you little worm, you have already had children with her and haven't married her?..., Bastard!!"

When Bella got to see what her father was about to do to Cambryn with his sword, she rushed towards them and squeezed herself to come between them.

"No. You misunderstand. My children are not Cambryn's offspring biologically, and I did not give birth to them. They were the children of my dear friend Margret Crane. She gave them into my care before she died in childbirth. She asked her son, to claim me as his mother. And when I held his newborn sister in my arms for the first time..., I knew that I could not abandon them. So I became their mother. They are the children of my heart. I would not be content, knowing my children were in danger, while I was hidden away from this oncoming battle. Please, Can I fetch them?"

Tearlach lowered his sword and placed it into its scabbard that was attached to his belt. He then smiled at her.

"You sound just like your mother. My Elsa was just as compassionate. She cared not for her safety, especially when there was danger around her. Of Coarse you can Fetch them! If you have claimed them as your own lass, then they are my grandchildren as well. Cambeul, go with Cambryn back to his keep and fetch the children. The Baldie army won't arrive for another two days. We have some time to come up with a plan before they attack.

Bella breathed a sigh of relief when she heard his answer. She then rushed into her father's arms and hugged him.

"Oh, thank-you. You have made me so happy."

Just then she remembered that not only was she his daughter and the mother of her two children, but she was also the McKladdin Clan's healer. She couldn't abandon her duties at the keep.

"Do you happen to have a healer at your keep? If I must go with you, papa, then, could you send your healer back with Cambryn after they deliver my children?"

Tearlach nodded.

"Yes, I do have a healer. And what's amazing about your request, is that she is almost the same age as you and has a slight resemblance to you as well. This will come in handy, if, by chance, Rickard breaks into the McKladdin keep, and tries to abduct you." He looked back to Cambryn.

"What do you say Cambryn? Do you think, my healer would make a good decoy?"

Cambryn was silent for a moment.

"What's her name?"

He asked quietly. Tearlach laughed at seeing the look on Cambryn's serious face.

"Her name is, Reign. She lost her husband in an attack from Rickard and is currently still mourning him. But, I am positive, that once she learns who she is to fight against, I know she'll be eager to accompany you and fight him.

Cambryn nodded, then he made his way to Bella and embraced her. He kissed her softly on the lips,

"Stay safe my love. I will return. Then you and I will exchange vows and promises. Have no fear."

Bella blushed. She then cupped his face in her hands, and kissed him back.

"I know you will. Make sure that you keep your promise, for I will be extremely angry with you if you die and I wasn't around to save your life."

Cambryn chuckled. And hugged her once more and placed another kiss on her forehead. He then pulled away from her, nodded at Tearlach MacDonald and instructed Cambeul to follow him back to his keep to fetch the children.

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