Purple Guy x Reader

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(Slight trigger warning before you start reading
There is some violence, and since its from FNAF its going to deal with children, please dont read if you're easily triggered or sensitive to violence)


          It was a sunny day, slightly cloudy but still a beautiful and warm day. Lets not forget it was also your sisters birthday, and she had been begging you to go to this 'Freddy FazzBear Pizza' place. It was also her birthday, she turned five and being an orphan wasnt easy since it was just you and your sister. You had to take care of both of you as well as manage bills and help her with everything, with yourself only being 19. "Y/N get ready,." Your sister whines wanting to leave. As you sat up and stood from have been laying on the couch watching some TV with her. You nod and smile softly, standing up and walking to change clothes, then getting ready to leave as well as helping your sister, who's name is Sophia. "Lets go! Lets go! Lets go!" She starts chanting, making you chuckle lightly, "Alright, Alright, come on and stay close" You were always paranoid that you'd lose her, since you had no parents and really, no other family, she was all you had and same goes for her. 
          After walking for a good twenty-five minutes, you and your sister had finally arrived at Freddy FazzBear Pizza, with Sophia jumping for joy to go in. You let her run in before you as you had to go to the counter and state who you were and what reservations you had. Once checked In and given the approval that you were in fact who you said you was; You and Sophia walk in, as Sophia goes and runs off playing with the other kids. You smile to yourself seeing her as happy as she is.

          After about an hour or so, you notice some parents looking for their kids, who were somehow, no where to be found? You look around, worried, and see that you cant find Sophia. You as well as other parents and gardens, walk up to the front desk and start explaining that you cant find your child, So on the loud speaker, the cashier announces, "All parents and gardens, please find and keep your child or children close to you, to make sure everyone is here". As the announcement goes off all parents/gardens run to find and keep their child/children close to them, not sure whats happening. Every parent/garden has their child/children other than you five standing at the front desk. The cashier tells all five of you, "Im sorry, but If you with, We can file a report and post it on our website, asking anyone if they had seen your children go missing here while being here" All five of you agree and as the end of the party ends, and as the store closes, You walk home, alone; little did you know, it was going to be like this from now on. 

          Later that night, You woke up, around three-am an got up, getting dressed and ready to go find your sister. You get up and walk out the door, taking your keys and locking the door. You start by looking around your house then around the block and street, wanting to see if she had made it near home but got lose and, with no success, she wasnt anywhere to be found. So, you walked for the next twenty-five minutes to FazzBear Pizza, and broke in, making sure not to set off any alarms, and grab a flashlight, beginning to walk around. 
          After a few minutes you had heard a child scream, then everything go silent. You were passing the storage room and heard it from inside the opened door, thank god the person didnt see you; but you peeked your head around the side of the door to have a look and what you saw,..was awful. 

          It was a man, about six foot four guy, with purple hair tied neatly into a ponytail, through the back of his security hat. He was wearing a purple shirt with a black vest, some black jeans, and a pair of black dress shoes. His eyes were completely white with not a trace of color in them, yet he was seeing just fine, his skin was as pale as the winter snow, and his smile was sharp, and small yet scarily large. He didnt hear me which was good, but the kid saw me, with what little life he had. I quietly walked into the storage room and shut the door behind me, locking it; not the smartest idea if I do say so myself. (Okay, so it apparently went from 3rd to 1st person.) The guy had heard the door close, and stopped what he was doing. I didnt see what he had been doing, but I did see a bloody knife and some blood on the floor and on an animatronic.

          Once he had turned around and stepped away from his 'work', I finally saw what he was doing. He had been killing this kid, and stuffing his body and body parts into a suit. It looked like the main mascot's, Freddy, but golden and, from what I assume, the animatronic's name was Golden Freddy. The poor kid had been beaten and cut up, all over. There was blood just pouring out of this small child's body, who hadnt looked a year over her sister. The guy had turned around, to face the door, curious as to who walked in. He had said nothing, but just grins. "H-Help,,!" The kid tried to desperately call to me, seeing as I was there and the guy had been hurting him, severely. With what the child had said, the guy turned back to the kid, holding his knife. The guy grins at the kid, "Purple Guy,." Is all the kid said, and which I assumed that's what kids called him? His name tag had said 'Vincent' though,. (I believe that's his name, dont kill meh plz,. ^^') The Purple Guy has his flashlight pointed straight at the kids beaten and bruised face, grinning to himself, the guy had lifted his knife, and stabbed it straight into the kids eye, the only eye that was open, seeing as the other was swollen shut. The guy then pulls his knife from the child's head, wiping it clean, then turning back, looking at me. I had managed to move but backed into a corner, smart move self. He looks at me, and grins, shining his flashlight in my face, slightly blinding me and stopping my vision of him. I close my eyes and rub them slightly; when I open them again, he was standing right in front of me, glaring down at me, with his sharp grin and ice cold eyes. I look up at him, right into his icy eyes, while mine were gray and filled with fear, I was slightly shaking as well. He lifts your chin with the tip of the knife and grins, starting to speak, "Such a shame,.The pretties people have the worst fate,." He says to you, in a deep, raspy and husk like voice. His words sent a shiver down your spine as you tensed a bit, and leaned back on the wall. 
          Within seconds, your faces were inches apart as he looked into your eyes, while you did the same to him. You blush lightly as he puts his flashlight down on the table, not moving from the position. One of his hands were pinning you, with his arm being by your waist and hand resting on the wall. His other hand, held your chin up with the knife, As he smirked, he inched closer to you, slowly but surely closing the gap between your lips. Your eyes widened, slightly confused to this, seeing as this man has just killed a child, and from the looks of it, wasnt the first time. 

          As he pulled away, you look up at him, in slight shock, "What a cute expression,." He mumbles slightly and stands, "Ill let you off the hook, and spare you, but this will be the only time. In return, You are to aid me,.Since you are an orphan" he smirks. "H-How did you know that?" You ask, voice shaking slightly worried. "Well,..I had over heard you,. Y/N" He simply and swiftly spoke as he finished with the now lifeless child. "Oh,.And your sister,.-" He starts as he is interrupted by Y/N, "Where is She?!" Y/N yells. He growls a bit and covers your mouth with his hand, spinning you around and wrapping an arm around your waist, moving his head down close to both your ear and neck, "She dead,.~" He whispers, sweetly into your ear, while lightly kissing your neck afterwards. Your eyes fill with tears as you stand there crying, quietly to yourself, as you had taught yourself to do.
          He then held you closely,.trying to comfort you the best he could until the morning. Once it had hit dawn, and was around 6am. The both of you had left, hand in hand as a comfort for the both of you. All you two really wanted was some love and affection that was never gotten when you two were kids,.and as you both walked through that door, you both knew,. your lives would change for good, and you never went back to the pizza place,.again. 


I hope everyone enjoyed this! It took me about 3 1/2 hours to write, with some inconveniences and helping out around my house at the time.
If you have any suggestions for another xreader or just any suggestions, please let me know.

Total Word Count(this included): 1632

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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