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seungcheol wakes up to his alarm beeping off. still feeling groggy, he tries to get up to shut the alarm off, but he notices he was being held down by someone. to his surprise, he sees jeonghan next to him, hugging his torso while lightly snoring.

seungcheol adores the sight but he could not help but feel guilty, something in his guts tell him that jeonghan and jisoo's break-up has something to do with him. instead of trying to turn off the alarm which was on the other side of the room, he grabs his phone which was on the bedside table.

7:00 am

hey jisoo..

i know you're currently ignoring all of us but i really want to know what happened.

he told me you were the one that ended it, is it true?

no i wasn't the one who ended it.

then who did?

there's only two in a relationship

if its not me then who else, seungcheol?

i could tell you just woke up.

oh eheh, yea i just woke up

but why? i thought things were going smoothly?

he doesn't love me seungcheol

he loves you.


yes and I just need some time to accept the fact that eventhough i gave my everything in this relationship it was just fake love coming from him.

im so sorry to hear about it jisoo, i really am but... can i?

of course you can date him seungcheol, but promise me you won't hurt him.

thank you so much jisoo, you're really a great person.

im haven't been enough of a >great person< to him though.. but thanks

someone will see it someday i swear

you know, you're not making this any better cheol

oh im sorry

it's okay, well i have to go now

i'll be back soon i guess

alright, take care and rest well

seen @ 6:20 am

as if on cue, right after he sends the last message, jeonghan's eyes flutter open, he removes his arms from seungcheol before sitting up, 'good morning cheollie.' he greets with his hoarse voice and a tired smile.

'good morning beautiful,' the words reaches seungcheol's mouth before he realizes, his cheek becomes a tinted red after he hears what he said, 'i-im sorry.'

jeonghan giggles and ruffles his hair before trying to get out of bed but seungcheol grabs his wrist, causing him to sit back down. seungcheol stares at the him for a few seconds before breathing out, 'who do you actually love jeonghan?'

'I-' before jeonghan could answer, their managers pushes the door open and comes into the room.

'come on boys, you'll be having a meeting with woozi at 8, stop chit-chatting and start getting ready.' after that, he proceeds to the rooms of the other members, not forgetting to close the door.

'i-i'll go get ready,' jeonghan stutters before getting up, he grabs a towel in his drawer and walks out of the room.

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