At Last

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Jasmine stood quietly at the window, eyes sparkling and lips a tender smile. She wore a new white nightgown, the vampire bride jewels on her neck and brow, and held a bouquet of red roses and purple violets. "It's almost time, better get going." She walked to where Daphne stood just outside the doorway, taking her hand as they walked off down the hall.

"Nervous?" "Honestly, no. We've loved each otehr for so long, I just can't wait to tie the knot." They exited the building and stepped into the mystery van, Daphne stole glances at her emotionless friends, Jasmine simply gazed at the upcoming dusk as Fred started up the car.


They soon pulled up the bayou where everyone got out to say goodbye to Jasmine.

"Goodbye Velma, thanks for letting me tag along." "I only wish there could've been more adventures we enjoyed together." "Bye Daphne, thanks again for the shopping and haircut." "I'll never forget your blue pixie cut." "Bye Fred, I don't know how to thank you for saving me." "Don't forget about us and that'll be more than enough." She slowly turned to teary eyed Scooby and Shaggy.

"Don't leave Jasmine, we're begging you." "Yeah, on bended knees." She simply hugged them, everyone soon falling into a tender group hug before dispersing. Holding onto her bouquet, she walked out to the water's edge and took a silent breath. Music filled the air and a moonbeam made spotlight engulfed her and she started to sing.

"At last there are no questions, I know all there is for me to know...My heart and I have all the answers. I know how I want my life to go." Pause. "At last the mist has lifted...It's all so simple, so crystal clear...Why did I fight what was meant to happen? The fight is over, at last I'm here." A soft almost sad smile came to her lips. "I don't need the sun to make me shine inside, I have your eyes. And I don't need light for me to see...what's right..."

"At last, there are no questions..." The mystery gang jumped when Valdronya appeared while singing, Jasmine swore her heart almost burst with joy. "You know all there is for you need to know..." He floated to her side with a gentle smile, holding out hand. "My heart and I have all of the answers, I know how I want our lives to go..." She smiled through happy tears and took his hand as they floated above the ground, singing in unison with hearts bursting with love.

"At last, the mist has lifted...It's all so simple, so crystal clear. Why did we fight what was meant to happen? The fight is over..." Pause. "At last you're here!" Before their lips slid into a passionate kiss.

The mystery solvers stood in awe of the perfromance, feeling the love pulsing through the night. The two soon parted, gazing lovingly into one another's eyes.

"You're returned to me my love." "And with you I'll stay, my king." They both looked back to Mystery Inc. Jasmine raised her hand with a tearful wave.

"Goodbye eyveryone, and thank you." She tossed her bouquet which Daphne caught and they all began waving as the happy couple flew off. They'd wave long after they couldn't see them anymore, as twilight fell to official night. And as Jasmine snuggled into Valdronya's embrace with a happy smile, he'd kiss her forehead gently as they vanished into the darkness they'd rule together. Always.

The End

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