Empty Bottle

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After solving their most recent case, Velma had suggested a vacation to which everyone eagerly agreed. While attending to business, Fred had been walking through towwn when an old bridge caught his eye, particularly the large shape beneath it. He carefully walked up, noticing first the empty beer bottle in one frail hand, followed by the young girl holding it.

She was dressed almost like a hobo; worn red beanie pulled over her head, oversized green body blanket, purple fingerless gloves but what really stuck out to Fred was her complexion, pale as new fallen snow. He flipped open his phone and dialed for Velma, she picked up after the second ring.

"Fred?" "Velma, you need to get over here, it's an emergency..."


"Shh, she's waking up." The mystery girl's eyelids fluttered before opening slowly, as her blurry gaze cleared up she saw four people faces and a dog one. She sat up carefully, rubbing her pounding skull.

"Where am I?" Her voice came out groggy. "With the mystery gang," answered Fred, "drink some of this, it'll help with that hangover you probably have." She barely nodded before taking the mug and a sip from the warm tea within.

"Who are you guys?" "I'm Velma, this is Daphne Scooby and Shaggy. Fred here found you unconscious under a bridge and called me up to come rescue you. Speaking of which, what's your name?" The female hesitated. "Jasmine." Daphne's face lit up. "That's such a pretty name!" She managed a weak smile.

"Well, we better take you to the Police." "No!" Jasmine grabbed Velma's wrist. "I mean...can't I stay with you guys? I don't want to go home, not yet. You seem to have a lot of room, couldn't I stay for a little while?" Velma got ready to say no, Fred beat her to it.

"Of course you can, you'll need some help recovering from that hangover." Velma rolled her eyes in silent defeat. "Sure whatever." Daphne squealed, hugging Jasmine so sharply she almost dropped her drink.


The next morning, after a trip with Daphne and a loaded credit card to the mall, Jasmine entered the mystery van in a pink t-shirt, a cream skirt and a pair of purple sneakers. Her beanie was gone, now an bright indigo pixie cut gleamed in the light.

"Thanks agin for letting me come along." Velma looked back with a friendly smile. "Sure thing Jasmine, you're one of us now." Jasmine smiled at the term, one that meant more to her than she'd ever let them know.

Evening fell and Fred took the first driver shift, Jasmine fell into a heavy slumber against Scooby's chest, smiling sweetly.

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