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Jasmine jerked up from the bed screaming like a banshee, face wet with tears. Mystery Inc. was by her side in an instant, attempting to grab her flailing arms still and telling her it was only a dream. Daphne was the one who manged to pull Jasmine into a motherly hug, one the crying female accepted with tight shaking arms until she finally calmed down.

"What's wrong Jasmine?" She looked at Fred with a growing fear. "I had a dream, about Valdronya." "What happened?" Velma lay her hands on Jasmine's gently, gazing kindly into her eyes.

"I...I can't tell you..." Her voice was shaking like a leaf. "I m-made a promise I w-wouldn't." She was regaing herself now. "But listen when I say this; don't leave me alone for the next few nights. As long as this mystery's unsloved, never leave me alone at night. I can't be alone." "Why not?" Her wide terrified eyes bore into Velma's.

"He's after me."


Evening fell, Shaggy and Scooby were placed on Jasmine duty under two scooby snacks each. Daylight faded to nightfall and the two marched back & forth outside Jasmine's door, brave looks on their faces. But soon they grew frightened, then tired, before falling asleep in front of the door, positive Jasmine wouldn't be able to get by.

Inside, Jasmine stirred in her sleep, a faint cry jumping from her lips. Her head tossed back and forth as the window began to gently rattle. Steadily the sound grew louder as the panes began shaking violently, her toss and turnings more sharp. Then abruptly, all fell silent and still once more. The windows opened and a green gaze drifted into the room, soon casting everything in a thick fog.

"Come to me my queen..." The voice was far off and deep, gently opening her eyes to reveal them blank and dull, that of a trance. She slipped from the bed and began walking to the window, now open and outlined by the green fog. In the darkness beyond a pair of glowing green eyes watched as a gray clawlike hand extended forward. Almost smiling she took it and stepped out into the night.

Meanwhile, Daphne was coming to take the next shift when she saw Shaggy and Scooby sleeping outside the door. With a gasp of horror, she pushed them aside and stumbled into the room, by now the green fog had departed.

Her scream made everyone come running, they found her on her knees clutching fistfuls of her hair, soon they all saw it; the empty bed, the open window with curtains dancing in the late night breeze.

Jasmine was gone.

The Mystery of the Minor [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now