∆∆∆ Prologue ∆∆∆

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Privet Drive was a normal neighborhood, with normal houses, and normal lawns. They also had normal husbands and normal wives with normal children. However, at Number Four Privet Drive, the Dursely family had a very abnormal secret.
Petunia and Vernon Dursley prided themselves on being as normal as one could be. They had a quaint two storey home, with a small lawn out front, a regular company issued car from Vernon's job at Grunnings, a company that manufactures drills. They had a son, Dudley, who, although a bit on the large side, was a sweet, darling boy, as his mother insisted.
But, under the stairs in the broom cupboard lay something- no, someone that was decidedly abnormal.
What many people didn't know was that Petunia had a sister. Lily was her name.
Lily had the gift of magic. And oh how Petunia had wished that she had the ability to even produce a whisper of what her beautiful, talented sister could do. Eventually, Petunia began to see Lily for what she really was, a freak. An abomination.
Then Lily went to the school for freaks and met that damned Potter and got married right out of school! They had a son not long after and got themselves blown up by some Lord something or other who then blew up trying to kill her nephew.

Petunia Dursley had cut all ties with her sister so imagine her surprise when on November 1st, 1980, she found on her doorstep for all her neighbors to see, a baby with the eyes of her sister who she found out was dead after reading the letter the one year old was clutching in his tiny hands. She was expected to take care of the freaky child her freaky sister and her freaky husband made because they were stupid enough to get blown up! So she did. She took in the last bit of her sister in this world.
Vernon Dursley was not a happy man. No siree, he was most displeased. First, his precious Dudders kept him up all night crying, the little tyke having some lungs on him, and then he stubbed his big toe on the kitchen table making his son a bottle. Then, yes there's more, his darling wife comes in with a baby with bright green eyes and messy black hair and biracial none the less, and tells him that her sister was killed the night before and that Hadrian, a name unworthy of a little freak, was the only survivor and to be put into their care.
"I shall have no freaks living in my house!" He roared angrily, "Why don't we just send him to an orphanage?"
"This Dumbley guy he's a freak too Vern. They'll know if we do that," Petunia's lip trembled and he agreed.
"Fine, but he'll have to earn his keep once he's old enough," he snarled.
Suddenly, there was a tapping sound at the kitchen window. When Vernon went to inspect, (Petunia went to put Hadrian down to sleep in Dudley's crib) he found a very owl perched upon the window sill, a letter tied to one of its legs. The owl stared at him imperiously for a moment before extending the leg with the letter for him to take. Quickly, Vernon took the letter and chased off the owl before any of his neighbors had seen it. Lord only knows that Mrs Murphy next door was a terrible snoop, always looking for something to gossip about in her weekly book club.
Upon  looking at the envelope, be saw that it was addressed as follows:
Mr Vernon Dursley and Mrs Petunia Dursley nee Evans,
Number Four Privet Drive,
Little Winghing,

"Pet," called Vernon, sitting on one of the kitchen chairs.
"Yes darling?" She asked, her footsteps down the stairs echoing slightly through the otherwise silent house.
"A letter just came with an owl. Its been addressed to us," he spoke, waving the letter slightly when she entered the kitchen.
"Well, what does it say?" She sat next to him, regarding the letter with equal parts apprehension and curiosity.
He tore open the letter, and the enchantment which had been laced on the parchment took hold upon both of them. Petunia, being a Squib, felt the magic, but brushed it off as some sort of magic that only let the addressed open it. Vernon cleared his throat and began to read...

Dear Mr and Mrs Dursley,

My name is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I assume that you are now in the possession of one Hadrian Potter. Well, he has vanquished a person known as the Dark Lord Voldemort, and is now called the Boy Who Lived.
As his guardians, in exchange for protection against any magical person or being, I have one request.
Beat the magic out of Hadrian. If possible, make him as submissive as possible and weak. You can do whatever you like short of killing him and I will also pay you one thousand Galleons (wizarding money which converts into ten pounds a Galleon) each year from Gringotts, the wizarding bank.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Headmaster of Hogwarts.

Vernon and Petunia smirked as the letter ended, and looked at one another.
"We're getting paid to let that freak suffer! I say we take it  Pet," Vernon chuckled darkly. Petunia grinned, showing off her horse like teeth.
"Of course Vernon darling. He'll be well taken care of. After all," her smile stretched, "we're family."

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