Chapter Five

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Dudley looked up at the main entrance of the bank, where two squat people in armor stood guard. He tugged Harry behind him, shouldering his bag. He had to be brave, he had to protect Harry, who had taken all the beatings when he had accidental magic, small little Harry who never got enough food or a proper place to sleep simply because of something he could not control. He never even learnt his name until he was six at school when the teacher kept calling it until he received punishment for a lack of response.

Upon nearing the doors, he realized that Goblins actually didn't look like people! They had dark brown and green skin, that was kind of weathered, with pointed ears that drooped slightly, long noses, and a mouth that always seemed pulled into a sneer. Their eyes glowed though, and they seemed highly intelligent. Dudley walked up to the one on the left, and said, "Excuse me Sir, would you know who would be able to help me with a problem I have?"

The Goblin seemed taken aback at being spoken to, did people just ignore them or something? He nodded and replied, "Depending on the issue little wizard, I can take you to a teller or a Manager."

"My cousin and I ran away from home, because my mum and dad hurt him because he has magic and they are being paid to do so. I stole the letter they got from the Dumbellydoor man, because I got my letter today, and I was scared what would happen to Harry and I," Dudley spoke softly, digging into his bag and retrieving the slightly crumpled letter his mother had hidden in her drawers. 

"Can I ask you for your name Mr. Goblin?"

The goblin seemed truly surprised, and Dudley began to worry he had somehow insulted the goblin when he answered, "I am Bloodslash, little wizard."

"Oh, well hello Mr. Bloodslash, I am Dudley Dursley and this is my cousin Hadrian Potter. This is also the letter from Dumbellydoor," Dudley handed him the letter. Bloodslash glanced at the letter and let out a harsh noise.

"Dumbledore, I can take you to a Manager, come with me," the Goblin ordered sharply, speaking in a harsh, unfamiliar language to the other Goblin guarding the door. He nodded, and pushed open the main entrance quickly, Dudley and Harry jogging behind him. For such a small person, he sure was fast!

They went past the main hall, past the tellers and the short line waiting for service, through double doors in the back, down a hall, up some stairs, it was all getting quite confusing and it was essentially quite a bit of walking. When they finally stopped at a black door with the name plate A.M. Flatrock, Dudley let out a sigh of relief, Harry wheezing slightly behind him. 

Bloodslash rapped sharply on the door, and opened it after hearing the same strange language shouted back to him, gesturing for the two cousins to enter after him. The office was nice, with two sofas opposite one another near the left side of the room, a coffee table between them, and an impressive desk with two chairs one one side of it, a large comfortable chair on the other side of it located closer to the door. A rather wrinkled goblin, Flatrock most likely sat in the comfortable chair, stacks of paper scattered across the desk, scratching away on one of the sheets with what looked like a feather. 

"Account Manager Flatrock, I have brought two wizards here to see you. The elder retrieved a missive from his mother sent from Dumbledore instructing them to abuse his cousin and they were being paid for it. Young wizard, please state your name and the name of your companion," Bloodslash spoke professionally.

Dudley stepped closer to the desk and stuck out his hand, "My name is Dudley Dursley, and this is my cousin Hadrian Potter. Mr. Bloodslash just gave you a letter from a Dumbellydoor, who instructed my mum and dad to beat the magic out of him, and they are paying for it too. I and Harry ran away from home, and I just got my letter today too, so I'm scared they'll hurt Harry for "infecting" me or something. I know that Gringotts deal with client's assets including wills, so did Harry's mum and dad leave a will? Because it would be nice if he had some other family, that would keep him safe."

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