Chapter Seven: Early Mornings and Whispers in the Walls

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Erica spent the next few days avoiding any signs of Lockhart, which seemed easier said than done when he appeared to pop up at least twice a day out of nowhere, even when she didn't have any Defence lessons.

The Calming Droughts Severus had been brewing for her had been working though, and she had no sudden fits of rage, but it didn't stop the annoyance she felt just at the sight of him. Ever since he'd left them to clean up the pixies by themselves all of Slytherin had a hard grudge against him, including the older years, who hadn't had the best experience being taught by him themselves as Adrian recalled to her about a rather traumatic first lesson involving a wardrobe and a boggart to her one morning on their way up to breakfast.

Perhaps even harder to avoid was Colin Creevey, a small Gryffindor boy who had taken to following her and Harry around. He was positively tiny, was Erica's first thought when she saw him, but that quickly turned to positively annoying when he started snapping pictures whenever he saw them, and his greatest delight seemed to be getting them to say 'good morning' back to him at breakfast.

So it came as a relief, really, when Friday ended and the weekend began, even if she was piled high with homework already. That was until she was awoken early Saturday morning to the sound of a ruckus in the common room below, muffled yelling and thumping loud in the pre-dawn quiet.

She glanced around at the other girls, but Pansy was asleep, tucked close to Millicent in her bed after dozing off there whilst catching up with her long-time friend, and Tracey Davies was dead to the world. Daphne's eyes shone bright back at her in the dim light though, and they both flinched as the muffled yelling grew louder and then a distinct voice yelled, "Riddle!"

She half-considered the pros and cons of killing Adrian for a few moments as the pounding of her heart subsided and she held Daphne's silent gaze.

She would get to sleep in on the week-ends without having to worry about being woken up abruptly- PRO.

She wouldn't get to hear Adrian's surprised laughter anymore when she came out with something weirder than usual, or feel the weight of his arm around her shoulders on the rare occasion they walked to breakfast together- CON.

She wouldn't have to fear falling asleep in the common room anymore as there would be nobody to jump on her in the morning in order to wake her up- PRO.

She would kind of miss that, really, because afterwards he would always pick her up and spin her around really, really fast until they both collapsed on the ground, laughter too loud, really, for the morning- CON.

"I think that's for you," Daphne finally spoke after a few seconds of silence, breaking apart Erica's mental list, and then she rolled back over and drew the curtains around her bed, leaving Erica to deal with it alone.

Sighing, she stood, took one glance down at her pyjamas, and then scrambled around the contents of her trunk until she found some suitable clothes, pausing only to root through her drawer to find the stash of Potions Severus had given her, downing one quickly before stashing the vial back away.

It was dressed in a heavy cardigan, blouse and skirt and her hair pushed back into a messy ponytail that she found her way down the stairs, though once she'd seen the sight in the common room she was wishing she'd just rolled over and gone back to sleep like Daphne had.

All of the Slytherin Quidditch team must have been down there, including Adrian, who was half-asleep lent against a bookcase with his head lolling to one side, and Harry, who wasn't in a much better state, sprawled out in one of the armchairs by the fire snoring lightly.

It was Nott and Draco causing all of the ruckus, Draco's usually pale complexion flushed red with anger and his grip on his wand tight as he aimed it at Nott, who looked equally agitated as he aimed his own wand back, sparks occasionally flying out from the end.

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