Rule 13. I Don't Give a Shit Who Your 'Arch Enemy' is

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Third last chapter, a lot of shit happens in this one so plz comment and let me know. I really love this story but I won't drag it on because I want people to like it as much as I do, that's just not how I work. 


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 "How are we gonna get out of here?" I muttered, "we're royally screwed." 

Lily snorted, "pretty much." 

"You know you could be a little more optimistic." 

She laughed, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't because she found me funny, "I learned from the best, Noodle." 

I swallowed, eyeing the man in the suit who was scratching at his beard like one of those classic villains. It'd been swell if he'd left the room, I could probably take on War and Pestilence and possibly even Famine, if the Big Boss-Man had just left the room we could've get Tose to work his mojo and shadow-travel us out of there. 

"So," The Big Boss-Man clapped his hands and spun on his heal, turning around to eye Tose as he stood in front of us, "I hear that this Anchor has been taken off your list."

Tose dramatically gasped, "Well I never! Jamie explain yourself!"

The Big Boss-Man's jaw clicked and his black eyes seemed to flash red, "Thanatos," he murmured cocking his head to the side.

Tose made a choking sound, reaching up to scratch at his throat. 

I bite my lip, "we're in deep shit."

"You don't say?"

"Well, what're your names?" the Big Boss-Man demanded, using the same tone that he used to order War about. 

"Bite me," Lily muttered, kicking at the ground. 

Am I the only one with a brain around here?! "I'm Jamie, this is my sister Lily. Whatever you're doing here, it has nothing to do with us so we'll just be leaving now-"

I yanked Lily in the general direction of the door, but the woman that had previously been standing behind The Big Boss-Man (I really need to figure out what to call him other than that) appeared in front of us. 

"You don't leave until given permission, human." 

"Am I supposed to be offended rabid poodle?" I shot back, getting more and more pissed off by the second.

The Big Boss-Man laughed, long and cold. With the throwing his head back and everything. True villain style this guy was, even the suit was at the right level of dishevelment. Main thing I wanted to know -upon reflection- is how he managed to grow and maintain that perfect level of stubble.

"To answer your question, I am the Devil." He grinned, spreading his hands out as if to gesture to himself. 

"We're in deep shit." Lily muttered again, finally showing some fear. 

Good, I thought it was kind of unhealthy, the amount of sarcasm she was using to defend herself. 

"I am Deaths' dad and boss, and I am severely disappointed in how he's been acting," He nodded condescendingly. 

Lily and I crossed out arms at the same time, but wisely kept our mouths shut. 

We could tell when a scary father figure is going to go on a massive rant. 

"He has been cutting people off his list, refusing to do the job he swore to me he would carry out to the very end. Now it has gotten to the point where a human, a snot-nosed-flee-bitten human, is not even showing up on the list-"

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