AUTHORS OBSERVATIONS- Werewolves on Wattpad

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Hello lovelies! I know you were expecting a chapter and all but I need to get this off my chest right? Bear with me, okay?

So I've been doing some research on werewolves on Wattpad, reading as many as I can before making my own. Partially because I like reading Werewolf stories, and partially because I was curious as to what other people like to see in their Werewolves.

The typical Wattpad-werewolf is a tall, dominating alpha male. Who is good looking, barks orders at everyone, and has anger issues. They can often converse with their 'inner wolf', who often likes to fight them for control, and is usually an all round dick head. Their wolf transformations are mostly the same (with a handful of exceptions), they have to take their clothes off -which I fully understand and support ;) - and they can transform into a fully grown, ginormous wolf and can converse through a mind link to the rest of their pack. 

Now, what I've noticed, an awful lot of noticed by the way, is that the females in the packs often get the very worst end of the deal. Now here me out here okay this is probably gonna sound like a feminist rant. 


-They apparently, are always dominated by the males in their pack (have you ever seen a female beta? or alpha? But we'll get to that later) their primary existence and the highest a female can achieve in the Wattpad-werewolf community is the Luna of the pack. 

- Luna, only takes care of the people. Doesn't have a steak in full-blown pack decisions, or if the pack goes to war, basically the housekeeper if you will. 

-MATES. The female werewolf is smaller, less strong, gentler, less blood-thirsty (in most of the ones I've read). Because of this they are often looked down upon, considered lesser AND YOU GUESSED completely dominated by their so called soul mates and are hardly consulted about anything, like kids or the danger that other packs are always after them. This complete domination stems into the next point-

-HEAT. A fat lot of werewolf stories on Wattpad feature the main character, or the mate of the main character, going into a hormone crazed heat. This means that they are knocked out of the game for a good lot of chapters because every single male werewolf can smell that they want have sex and this puts the 'heroic' male lead into a position to shed some light on how good a person they are; because if they don't fall prey to the allure of the female WHILE she's in heat, then they are a good person and therefore will prove to be the hero of it later on. I'd hate to put my spin on this but, in my opinion, that kinda sucks for the chicks doesn't it? Basically society has put forward the template of the hormone driven and completely ruled by emotion woman who we have taken and exaggerated so freaking much that even the writers who are females and also consider themselves feminists, would sit down and write a female werewolf character who falls to prey to their heat at least once in a story. Ladies, doesn't that sound WAY worse than a period? 

-Lack of ability to become alpha. I don't care what anyone else things but I find it stupid that no one else has seemed to think 'wait a second. What if we put a female alpha in the story?' I get that actual wolves travel in packs and shit but these people are not only wolves THEY ARE HUMAN AS WELL. And because they're human, however much that may be, this should give them the ability to appoint a female alpha. 

Okay that's enough of my feminist rant. Now onto my main pet-peeve about this subject.



I peg all the blame for the stereotypical alpha male who can transform into a fully grown real life wolf on twilight. Because people read that (don't lie I know you read it) and liked the idea of a werewolf who made the full transformation just stuffed it up for the traditional werewolf.

The old werewolves were monsters to put it simply. They weren't self aware (meaning they have hardly any memory of the time they spent wolfing out), they transformed at a full moon, they killed and ate EVERYTHING, they couldn't control it. And the final thing; THEY WERE STILL HALF MAN HALF WEREWOLF PEOPLE THEY WEREN'T FULL WOLF.

 See the picture on the side? Scary right? That's what the traditional werewolf is, a ginormous monster that people used to have nightmares about, NOT the prissy little wolves who prey to a freaking MOON GODDESS or some shit like that okay? 

I would like to know what other people's opinions are, because I'm writing a werewolf pack into this story, BUT I don't know what I want my werewolves to be like. Also I'm curious as to what has occurred to anyone else while reading up on the Werewolves of Wattpad. 

Basically my point is that I would like to know if the traditional werewolf is dead. And also if anyone knows any werewolf stories that break the pattern, because I know there are some, I've just only read like three. 

Tell me what you thought. Even if you disagree :)


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