Chapter 11

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As the rest of Swellview slowly started to awaken with the morning sun, Henry rummaged through his bedroom searching for a measly- but seemingly significant- sheet of paper.

He hadn't slept a wink.

Henry had been creating a mess in his room since he returned home the night before, not wasting a second to do anything else. As the memories of that night threatened to replay in his mind, he subconsciously put aside all thoughts of anything else and decided that finding the work schedule that Ray printed for him years ago when he began his job was the most important thing he could do right now.

Of course, Henry did not think to just wait until Junk 'N Stuff opened to ask Schwoz to find it in his digital files and print another one. No, he thought if he was not looking for the copy he had himself right now as his best friend stood innocently behind bars, he was doing Ray a disfavor.

In reality, Ray would have wanted Henry to get rest, as any good friend would. Their situation- though unfavorable- could be resolved the next morning. And though he pretended not to, Henry knew this. But if he were to wait patiently until the next morning and lay in bed attempting to sleep, he knew he'd have to face his heavy loaded thoughts, reliving the events of the night before over and over.

And he didn't want that.

So as he scrambled throughout his desk drawers, papers flying everywhere, his hair a mess and his eyes wide and anxious, Henry continued to look for his damned work schedule.

A loud and aggressive series of knocks were suddenly heard by the blond as his little sister, Piper, banged on his door.

"Henry!" she shouted before opening the door herself. "Keep it down! It's six in the morn- oh my God." Her mouth dropped at the sight of Henry and the state of his bedroom. His bed was filled with stray supplies, his blankets fell to the floor, his desk drawers remained pulled open and the floor contained what looked to be a million different sheets of worthless paper.

"What happened in here? Did your room get hit with a tornado or something?" She asked bewildered as she cautiously stepped into his room, avoiding the objects on the floor.

"I'm looking for something," he replied dismissively, not looking up from where he was. "Go back to your room." Piper looked at her older brother who seemed anxious for some reason unknown to her. Her face scrunched up in confusion as she asked, "What's up with you?"

"What are you talking about?" he asked absentmindedly, still not having made eye contact with her. Piper simply glared at him in reply before stepping closer to him.

"What are you looking for, anyway?" She asked.

"My work schedule," he responded, finally turning around to look at her. "Have you seen it?"

"No," she answered truthfully. "Why do you need it?"

"It's a long story," he sighed, going back to his search.

"So, let's hear it," she said firmly, crossing her arms in front of her chest. Henry glanced up to give his sister a look.

"I can't right now, okay?" he responded. "And if you can't help, just go back to bed." Piper scoffed as she watched Henry return to rummaging through his desk drawers. She hesitated for a moment, before rolling her eyes and going to open his closet.

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