Chapter 2

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Hey guys! Really quickly before the chapter, I just wanted to clear something up from Chapter 1!

In the scene where the three are in the classroom, and I write about "the curly-haired blond narrowed his eyes... (yada yada yada xD) he knew she (Charlotte) was lying"? I meant Jasper knew Charlotte was lying, not Henry! I noticed a few people pointed that out, thinking it was Henry who knew, but I was writing about Jasper. I totally understand why that was interpreted wrong, so apologies on my behalf! I've since edited it, but I just wanted to clear things up if you've already read it. :)

Anyway, here's chapter 2! :)

Jasper stood outside Charlotte's front door on her wooden porch, his arms crossed while tapping his foot impatiently. He had received a text from her this morning, asking if he wanted to walk to school together. Of course, he agreed, despite having not heard from her since her disappearance after Pre-Calc the day before.

The door then opened, revealing his best friend dressed in simple jeans and a floral-printed bomber jacket.

"Good morning," she said to him cheerfully, stepping out and locking the door.

"Good morning?" he mocked, following her as they treaded off the porch. "Seriously? That's all you have to say?"

"Uhhh," she dragged out, falling in step with him on the sidewalk. "How was your slumber?"

"I hate you."
"Love you, too."

"Charlotte," the curly-haired blond exasperated.

"Okay, okay," she responded in defeat. "I'm sorry."

"Where did you disappear to? I didn't see you at all after math yesterday." His annoyed expression remained.

"I didn't even see you at lunch! Where were you?"
"Actually, I-"
"And after school? You didn't bother to shoot your best friend a text?"
"Jasper, if you don't shut up, you're never gonna get an answer." Charlotte narrowed her eyes at him as he crossed his arms in frustration.

"You can't blame me for being mad," he replied.
"I know, and I'm sorry, but at least let me explain." Her sincere words allowed Jasper to release the tension in his shoulders with a sigh.

"Okay. Explain."

"So," she started slowly. "Remember that kid that came into our class late? The blond?"

"Yeah?" he answered, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "What about him?"

"Well," Charlotte lowered her voice. "I don't know, he kind of, just, caught my attention, I guess, and-"

"Oh my God," he interrupted, his arms flailing in the air. "You have a crush on him?! Already?!"

"No! What- Jasper, let me finish!" she defended, ignoring the reddening of her cheeks. He rolled his eyes.

"He just seemed, off, like he's hiding something. It's hard to explain, I just had a gut feeling, okay?" she explained with a sigh. "And then his watch or whatever started beeping and he was going above and beyond trying to shut it off-"

"I know," Jasper said. "I was there."

"Right," she responded. "And then he just ran out of the room."

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