Wrath of God

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The End of First Generation, The Start of a New One

The Genesis flood narrative (chapters 6–9 in the Book of Genesis) is the Hebrew flood myth

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The Genesis flood narrative (chapters 6–9 in the Book of Genesis) is the Hebrew flood myth. The story tells of God's decision to return the Earth to its pre-creation state of watery chaos and then remake it in a reversal of creation. The narrative has very strong simularities to parts of the Epic of Gilgameshwhich long predates the Book of Genesis.

To eradicate the sinners (the people of Tubal-Cain, Cainites) and the Nephilims (Watchers offspring to Daughters of Men), God sends the Waters of Heaven to bring The Great Flood. God wipes out the Half bloods (Cainites and Nephilims) to save the Pure bloods (Pure Generations of Man, untainted of hybrid genetics).

Nephilims, The Giants who wreak havoc on Earth

The Bible says that it is because these sons of God saw the pretty women on earth and wanted to live with them

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The Bible says that it is because these sons of God saw the pretty women on earth and wanted to live with them. So they came to earth and married these women. The Bible says that this was wrong, because God made the angels to live in heaven.

When the angels and their wives had babies, these babies were different. At first they may not have looked very different. But they kept growing bigger and bigger, and getting stronger and stronger, until they became giants.

These giants were bad. And because they were so big and strong, they would hurt people. They tried to force everyone to be bad like themselves.

Eʹnoch had died, but there was one man on earth now who was good. This man’s name was Noah. He always did what God wanted him to do.

One day God told Noah that the time had come for Him to destroy all the bad people. But God was going to save Noah, his family and many of the animals.

Series of Events before the Bible CreatedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora