They made their way over to the bar, turning their body slightly to get by some of the guests. When they made it, they heard the conversation between Thor, Steve, and Rhodey.

"But, you know, the suit can take the weight, right?," Rhodey grabbed from the bar side, "So I take the tank, flying right up the the general's palace, drop it at his feet. I'm like 'Boom. You looking for this?'"

Tony awkwardly smiled, though Riley and Thor gave no reaction, not knowing where the punch line of the joke was suppose to be. They looked at each other with confused looks on their faces, before looking back at Rhodey.

His smile faltered. "'Boom. Are you looking for-' Why do I even talk to you guys? Everywhere else, that story kills."

"That's the whole story?" Thor questioned, gesturing slightly with the hand he's using to hold his drink.

"Yeah, it's a War Machine story," he responded, mumbling a little.

"Oh, it's very good then," Riley agreed, a smile on their face as he did so. They continued to grin as Rhodey rolled his eyes, "it's impressive."

He took a sip of his drink as Rhodey sarcastically replied; "Quality save." He moved the conversation away from this topic, "So, no Pepper? She's not coming?" A quick 'no' was all Tony responded with.

"What about Jane? Where are the ladies, gentlemen?" Maria joined in on the conversation, handing Riley their drink as they did so.

"Yeah, I thought Jane would of wanted to see you before you head off again," Riley added, a bit upset to be talking about their crush's girlfriend, but happy that he was with someone he loved none-the-less.

"Oh, Ms Potts has a company to run." Tony explained the absence of his significant other.

"Yes, I'm not even sure what country Jane's in," Thor admitted, "Her work on the Convergence had made her the world's foremost astronomer."

"And they company that Pepper runs is the largest tech conglomerate on Earth. It's pretty exciting."

"There's even talk of Jame getting a, um, Noble Prize," Thor bragged. Riley, Rhodey, and Maria all looked at each other with the same look of your faces.

"Yeah, they must be busy, because they would hate missing you guys get together," Maria joked, "Testosterone!" She coughed immediately afterwards, pretending as if she had come down with something. Her and Rhodey walked away, continuing the jag for a bit longer, leaving Riley and the two competitive men together at the bar.

"But Jane's better," Thor chuckled. Riley watched Tony try not to make a comeback or one up him.

"Aww, you guys are fighting like an old married couple! Have you broke it to your girlfriends yet?" Riley teased the two before talking another sip of their drink. They walked as they drank, finishing their sip when they were a feet away from the two men. Whilst they walked, they heard the end of the War Machine story being told again, this time being followed by loud laughed. They shook their head slightly as they walked away from the table.


The night went on, and so did the party. Nearly everyone had left, only leaving the Avengers, Riley, Rhodey, Helen (who was sleeping), and Maria. They were all sat around a couch, empty glasses and newly opened bottles of beer on the table. Clint was twirly a drum stick in his fingers, laying against the sofa.

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